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Monday, December 12, 2016

Robredo's behavior is purely unprofessional, she should have been fired a long time ago ~Share

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano is right about Vice President Leni Robredo, she cannot be respected because she is not behaving in accordance to how a team member should behave.  As part of the President's team, she is expected to support the President to help him achieve his vision and goals for the country.

But instead of doing that, she has proven to be a burden.  Rather than assisting the President to make the Philippines take flight, her constant attacks on the president distracts the team's productivity.

Despite the objections from many of President Rodrigo's supporters against making Leni Robredo part of the cabinet, Duterte gave Leni a position so that she could make a contribution to the country.

But the Vice-president is not behaving like a team member. Think about this, if Leni Robredo worked for the private sector, she could have been fired a long time ago.

Cayetano was right. If VP Leni Robredo wanted to be a fiscalizer, then she should have turned down Duterte's offer to join the cabinet so she could criticize the government to her heart's content. But no, she wanted to be part of the team yet criticize her boss in public.

Sorry Leni, that's not the way things work.

Please watch Senator Alan Peter Cayetano's video, he can explain the issue much better than me.


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