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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Choose to make God your leader.

Verse: 2 Chronicles 13:12
God is with us; He is our leader

Who or what are you following today?

Who or what has the most influence in your life and on the decisions you make?

Do you make choices based on what the television news says, or what someone in your family says?

It’s not wrong to get other people’s advice, but what you allow to influence you becomes your leader.

Choose to make God your leader by following His commands.

Go forth in God, following Him as your leader - nothing can stand in your way!

God has promised again and again that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

He is a good leader and you will never be alone when you’re serving Him!

As you submit yourself to God, He will lead you down paths of righteousness and peace. He will lead you into victory in every area of your life!


God, thank You for going with me and leading me into victory day by day. Thank You that this victory can start today as I constantly rely on You. I repent today of following any other voice and submit myself to you in everything I do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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