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Monday, April 10, 2017

This is why you should never let your dog lick your mouth

Most people think it is cute to give their dog a big wet kiss on the lips, but what if I told you that it could literally kill you? That’s right.
“It is not just what is carried in saliva. Dogs spend half their life with their noses in nasty corners or hovering over dog droppings so their muzzles are full of bacteria, viruses and germs of all sorts.” Basically, your dog’s mouth is disgusting and can pass diseases onto you through dog kisses…Like Capnocytophaga Canimorsus: This one’s really bad. How bad? This man was told by his doctor that his capnocytophaga canimorsus infection was caused by a dog licking his open wound.
Ringworm infection: A ringworm infection is one of the easiest diseases for your dog to pass onto you from smooching. If the ringworm bacteria is around their mouth and you engage in kissing, bam. Ringworm for you too.
MRSA: MRSA infection in humans, which produce lesions like the unsightly one above, can be caused by as little as one lick from your dog. Dogs can carry around this bacteria with very little effect on their own health but when an owner comes into contact with it.

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