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Thursday, January 8, 2015

What This Filipino Hairstylist Did To The Homeless Is Beyond Extraordinary! This Is Something That Will Make Philippines Really Proud!

Meet Filipino Stylist Mark Bustos.

Bustos is a hairstylist at a known salon at the Big Apple. His client are mostly “doing great” in terms of financial capacity – athletes, fashion designers, models and the well-to-do, in short – wealthy people. But during his day off which is every Sundays of the month, he spend his time cutting hairs of the people who can’t even afford to buy a blade or scissors.
Filipino-American hairdresser Mark Bustos always start his Sundays walking in the city in search for homeless people who wants and needs a haircut. He will approach each and every one of them with just few words to say – “I want to do something nice for you today”
Mark Bustos provides hair cut for up to six homeless people every Sunday and most of his clients’ before and after look are posted at his instagram account.
Bustos has been cutting hair for the less fortunate since May 2012, when he traveled to the Philippines to visit family members. While abroad, he paid an owner of a barbershop to rent a chair and provide services to impoverished children in need of a fresh look.
The extraordinary hairstylist also given haircuts to the needy in Jamaica, Costa Rica and Los Angeles.
Best Mother's Day gift I ever gave to anyone ! #BeAwesomeToSomebody
For more of his story, visit this article at HuffingtonPost.Com
Make sure to follow and spread the word about Mark Bustos’s Instagram account –http://instagram.com/markbustos
#BeAwesomeToSomebody #travelinghairdresser

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