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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hatred That Denies The Philippines A Proper Healing Process

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Since the beginning of the New Year. Facebook has seen a surge in the number of activities involving what I shall call the Political Troll. These are individuals — or multiples sharing a single account — who spend most of their days flooding the vast array of different pages and/or groups in Facebook, that are associated with the Philippine Political scene today.
One such troll account belongs to a nameless cheechako from the province of Tarlac. A strange sort of character that will forever do his best to deny the Philippines ANY chance what-so-ever of healing whatever wounds may have been inflicted during the Martial Law years. Being a man — or better yet, creature — of hate, is not what the Philippine people are suppose to be about. Through his endless barrage of ancient history centering around former President Ferdinand Marcos, he has awoken old animosities. With his hate he has taken a knife and once again, opened the stitches of a scar that he wants to make sure will never heal correctly. He “believes” himself to be righteous in his endeavors. When in reality, he is doing a complete wrong.

Wrong in the sense that he desires to fuel a fire that has long since died. He talks of President Marcos as if he were alive today. And whatever wrongs he may have done occurred 5 minutes ago. Story has it, this anger is fueled by some sad land deal gone wrong in the early 1970’s towards his family somewhere in Tarlac. And he directly blames Marcos. Maybe to someone so full of hate it happened yesterday morning. But to a nation filled with people trying to heal and move forward. It is truly ancient news. In spite of what this individual is jamming in your face. And in spite of what the current administration may be telling you. The Philippines is worse off then it ever was during the Marcos years. Even Cory’s years.
If the people of the Philippines ever want to see their nation truly prosper the way it was hoping to a long time ago. The time has come to unite. You can no longer blame things from 30 or 40 years ago to be the cause of today’s problems. That is now a huge myth!! The Filipino people must put away their hate. Not just for Marcos, Cory, Ramos or whoever. But this hate towards each other. People like this guy have you practically at each others throats on Facebook. Almost to the point of challenging to meet each other in the streets and “duke it out.” And for what? Aren’t you people tired of all this in-fighting that has 7,000+ islands acting like separate countries. Rather than the united nation you’re suppose to be?
Forget all the different political parties. They have forgotten their ways and become nothing more than symbols of division. A divisiveness that is tearing at the very fabric of your society. You always say “Never Again” when someone speaks of Marcos, Dictators and/or Martial Law. Well, I have news for you folks. You let it happen again. Because the current administration has usurped its powers beyond anything President Marcos could have dreamed of. They have also violated all moral and legal standing within the community. The People. And the Constitution they were suppose to represent and serve.
So if you want to believe the trolls and other individuals such as this Tarlac Schmuck. So full of hate, that they have forgotten what it was to be happy and enjoy life. Then so be it. Because that hatred will only lead you further on down the road you’re on right now. And believe me folks. It’s a road leading to nowhere.
Or, you can say, “ENOUGH!” Bury the past where it belongs. In the past. And take hold of your neighbors hands and stand each other up. And then grab your other neighbors hands, and continue doing so until you’re all acting as one. One people. One nation. For then, and only then, will you have something to be proud of.
A nation you can hand down to your children. And your children’s children.
Click on an image below to better understand the more common types of Trolls out there today.

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