Do you know someone who will use any means necessary to get what
they want with little regard for everyone else? Do you know someone who
believes that they are a notch above everyone else but lack the
resources or capabilities to back this up? Do you know someone who is
never willing to admit their own mistakes no matter how obvious it is
that they are responsible for whatever mishap occurred? Do you know
someone who simply blames others when finally caught in the open about
their failings and personal frailty?
Then maybe, you’re in the company of a sociopath. Well, I’m not
really an expert in the matter. In fact, I am sometimes worried that I’m
one myself but my psychologist insists that I’m not. Anyway, the
questions above aren’t really a guarantee that someone is sociopathic
but it is certainly a good place to start. What I cam to discuss is the
existence of sociopathy in people, especially here in the Philippines
and why we, the common people, often turn a blind eye to it. Is it
because we are afraid? Is it because so many of us fail to understand
the concept of sociopathy? Or could it be that there are more sociopaths
in our society than any of us ever considered?
Also of note is that sociopaths often make successful politicians or
businessmen. This is because they tend to be very ruthless to the point
that they are willing to betray their friends just to get ahead. In
fact, for people of this sort, the idea of friends is a twisted concept.
Instead of seeing “friends” as allies and comrades in their lives, they
simply see them as tools to be used and discarded as needed.
Anyway, since we’re on the subject, I’d like to mention a few things
first. Let’s talk about military personnel and police officers first,
shall we? Anyway, I give due respect to all the military personnel who
fight for the freedom and sovereignty of our beloved country and the
police officers who struggle to keep us all safe from criminals and
other social vermin, often at great risk to themselves and are often
underpaid by our greedy and apathetic government. Unfortunately, based
on a bit of history, even our military personnel and police officers
have also had their fair share of sociopathic individuals. The same can
certainly be said of the many terrorist organizations that now infest
our fair country of the Philippines.
Tvtropes isn’t exactly the most reliable of sources but they
certainly have something to present to us about the topic of sociopathy
and how it can get really bad when people of authority have it. Anyway,
sociopaths are already a danger to society but if they are given weapons
of any kind and are given the condition or justification to use them,
they will do so without fail and with often tragic or disastrous
results. According to Tvtropes, there are actually multiple kinds of
sociopathy in the military at least. These are often the people that
make great terrorists, mass murderers and the secret police for a given
government. Here they are:
The Jingo
These are the people who hide behind a cause to justify their crimes
against humanity. This is often includes fundamentalists rant that what
they are doing is for God and what they are doing is justified because
it is “God’s Will”, even if what they’re doing involves shooting unarmed
civilians or brutally executing wounded and surrendering combatants.
The Nazis also used this excuse as they claimed that killing millions of
people is justifiable because they are doing it for the good of the
For all my nerdy friends out there (no offense, I am one too) a good
example of this would be the Red Skull, at least, back when he was still
with the Nazis. He did terrible things for Hitler and always hid behind
his master’s ideology to rationalize the reprehensible acts he
The Psycho
These are people who are nasty from the beginning. They just joined
the military only because there, they could kill without fear of
reprisal. These are often people who are unstable to begin with but
somehow managed to join the military so they can kill for fun without
having to deal with pesky laws. Examples of this sort include folks like
Amon Goeth who is actually the villain of the Schindler’s List film
who was portrayed by Ralph Fiennes and Shiro Ishii of the Japanese
Imperial Army who led the Unit 731 project which conducted inhuman
experiments on prisoners and civilians.
A good example of a fictional character that can be included in this is Jane Turner of Valkyria Chronicles.
Yes, her the giggling brunette with the eye-patch. Although she is one
of the “good guys” her motivation in the war (killing enemies) does not
speak well of her mental constitution.
The Unwilling Conscript
Now, it’s true that most people are good, or at least innocent.
Mostly, anyway. But then war comes around and changes them. It makes
them bitter and cynical and it changes them from the once sweet kids
that they were into utter monsters. Examples of this include conscripted
soldiers or children forced into becoming rebels as they are often
unwilling participants in a given war. In the end, they are broken after
being forced to kill so many people that they become desensitized to
death and destruction.
I would have to say that Roy Mustang and some of his compatriots from Fullmetal Alchemist are
certainly a good example of this especially during their campaign
during the Ishval War. It was clear that a lot of them didn’t want to go
through with it but had to commit various atrocities under orders from
their commanders.
The Broken Soldier
These are the people who have seen so much bloodshed, they simply
don’t care anymore. These are people who believe that “the end justifies
the means”. These are the people who will use any means necessary to
reach their goal no matter how brutal it may seem. While they may have
good intentions at heart, their methods will leave you cringing in
I can present Nick Fury of The Avengers fame for this. While he just wants to protect people, he will do so at extraordinary and often immoral lengths.
Having a sociopath in a seat of power is not just dangerous but is
probably the dumbest idea anyone can come up with. A sociopathic warrior
might be tolerable if enough people keep tabs on them. But a leader who
is sociopathic will only lead a nation to ruin. Does Nero ring a bell?
So, do you know a sociopath in authority?
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