With lie after lie after lie coming out of the President’s mouth, there are more and more and more
people that need to be kept silent to keep this house of cards of
deceit from crumbling. The latest scapegoat now unceremoniously hung out
to dry by the President following the massacre of 44 Special Action
Force troops by elements of the terrorist Moro Islamic Liberation Front
is relieved SAF commander Getulio Napenas Jr.
According to President BS Aquino,
Napenas “disobeyed his order to properly coordinate the operation with
the Philippine Army several days before its launch instead of informing
the military hours before operation launch.” This is notable considering
that in mid-February, President BS Aquino claimed that he was receiving
information primarily from suspended Philippine National Police (PNP)
chief Alan Purisima and went as far as accusing Purisima of “feeding” him lies about the situation on the ground as it happened…
“It was very clear that the President was not only misled, he was lied to. That was his word, he was lied to by Gen. [Alan] Purisima because the texts of Purisima said that the support of the artillery of the Armed Forces Mechanized Brigade has already started, that there was already support in that encounter…”
More importantly, it was a an official statement from Malacanang that shows that President BS Aquino’s orders were issued directly to Purisima…
Malacañang on Monday also said Aquino told the leaders of the House that he had given specific instructions to Purisima, who was then suspended as PNP chief, to inform PNP officer-in-charge Deputy Director General Leonardo Espina, and to then SAF director Getulio Napeñas to coordinate with the AFP.
“However, he found out later that these instructions had not been followed,” Communications Secretary Sonny Coloma said.
…which brings us to wonder why, in President BS Aquino’s quaint rant
to a bunch of “Christian leaders” in Malacanang yesterday, it was just
Napenas’s name being dragged through the mud with no mention at all of
how Purisima figured in the chain of command leading to President BS
himself. One wonders what it is exactly that is going on between
President BS Aquino and the disgraced Alan Purisima. It was
highly-irregular for the suspended Purisima to have been allowed within
the loop of such a sensitive operation to begin with. Aquino must have
so bizarrely deferred to Purisima above everyone else for some reason to
the point of ignoring the fact of his being suspended on corruption
allegations, no less!
This deference was such that even Interior Secretary and Liberal
Party top presidentiable Mar Roxas was also kept in the dark. And now,
we see Purisima just as mysteriously dropped from the picture in this
latest presidential effort to cover his royal behind and shield his
precious but imperiled Bangsamoro Basic Law from condemnation.
President BS Aquino is increasingly isolating himself from his bosses
— the Filipino people — who have become increasingly outraged by, the
layers upon layers of lies piling up around this national crisis. First,
President BS Aquino turned the 25th February Edsa “Revolution”
anniversary into an exclusive event — locking out activists from
various sectors from the inner sanctum of the Edsa Shrine where he
cocooned himself amongst his yellow-shirted minions. Then, yesterday,
another obssessively-secured “meeting” in Malacanang with friendly folk before whom he viciously laid blame on Napenas.
One thing BS Aquino’s certainly got going for him is he has quite the army of loyal and tight-lipped
minions. Foremost among them is Secretary Roxas who, you’d think, would
be mad as a hatter after being left out of the planning circle
involving an agency he was responsible for, is sticking by his boss.
Fact is, as President, whether you’ve been lied to or disobeyed by your subordinates, the buck still
stops with you. President BS Aquino seems utterly incapable of grasping
what being the President means. And he’s been “president” for five
years and counting! To that sort of thing, the venerable Obi Wan
Kenobi’s asked the rhetorical question in the excellent 1977 movie Star Wars:
Who is more foolish, the fool, or the one who follows him?
As someone elected by popular vote, President BS Aquino gives
Filipinos a bad name. He and his lying face are reflections of a country
that chose him to be their leader. How long will Filipinos who are
evidently obssessed with propping up “Pinoy Pride” continue to live with
the appalling embarrassment that is their president? Nakakahiya sa mga Kano!
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