Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What does the acronym AI signify to you as a Filipino?

All right, all right. American Idol is yesterday’s news. Jessica Sanchez lost. Pinoys still suck, and they’re still stuck with the government they deserve whatever the outcome of the circus, I mean, impeachment trial is. Plus, Manny Pacquiao has a fight coming up in about two (2) weeks, so I don’t think that will be enough time for Pinoys to learn their lesson about false Pinoy pride.

In light of a comment made by the user Impaler Triumphant, I thought about it for a while, then decided that I want to ask you, our readers, what you think the acronym AI signifies for you as a Filipino. So basically, this is a crowdsourcing exercise.
The instructions are simple: When you comment below, kindly include a line in there providing a definition for the acronym AI. Explain as necessary. Our theme is the following: What is the Filipino obsessed about? What should the Filipino be focusing on to improve? What is the Filipino known or infamous for? As a Filipino, what do you take seriously in your life?
There is no right or wrong answer. It doesn’t matter whether your comment is negative or not. But do remember our guidelines for commenting. And we highly discourage copy-and-paste answers.
Let me start with a few examples to get the ball rolling…
Absolutely Irrelevant – refers to the points Pinoys often bring up in “debates”.
Appearing Intelligent – Pinoys are so obsessed with giving the impression that they know more than they actually do, so they act maboka and madaldal hoping to fool a few people.
Aquino’s Incompetence – Enough said.
Always Inutil – Filipinos have been offered numerous opportunities to dig themselves out of the pothole the country occupies but they let the Pinoy in them consistently make the wrong choices.
Apathetic, Indefinitely – Pinoys “go through the motions” of electing leaders come election time. Whether they ask for a platform or vote by name-recognition is obvious. When things go wrong, they blame it on the politicians, and not themselves for voting them in.
Here’s one out-of-the-box example for you guys:
AI – love, in Mandarin Chinese, or Japanese. Filipinos are obsessed with love songs. We are hopeless romantics and cling to an ideal notion of what love is.
Start getting those creative juices flowing, folks. Props to those who can relate AI to the impeachment trial.

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