Monday, January 28, 2013

The final solution to Pinoy stupidity

Die Endlösung der Pinoy Dummheit. Is it just me, or does everything sound just that much more intimidating, menacing, or daunting in German? For those who don’t get the reference, the Nazis dubbed the plan of systematic execution of the Jews the final solution to the Jewish problem – “die Endlösung der Judenfrage”.
Right from the start, let’s be honest with ourselves: this “final solution” is not set in stone, nor is it formally codified – yet. If it were, people with critical opinions and alternative voice bloggers like GRP, Anti-Pinoy and others would have already been tried for genocide in a Noytard kangaroo court.
Let’s make a clear distinction here between Pinoy and Filipino. When we say Pinoy, this is the lazy, stupid, arrogant, hypersensitive, and apathetic whiner that we have all come to know and despise. The Pinoy responds with emotion. He/she thinks that President Noynoy Aquino is god and blindly accepts as gospel truth everything that comes out of his mouth. He/she jumps on bandwagons and is highly susceptible to the herd mentality. He/she regards Wil Time Bigtime as an educational show. His/her idea of a long-term investment is buying a lottery ticket every time there’s a scheduled lottery draw, or lining up in the morning in front of a TV studio hoping to qualify for a noontime show audience and bring home money.
“I think of a man, and I take away reason, and accountability.” Jack Nicholson in the movie “As Good As It Gets” may as well have been describing Pinoys with that line.
The Filipino, on the other hand, is the entity who has learned to use his brain. He/she is critical of the wrong things his/her government does. He/she dares to be more than Pinoy society is relegating him/her to be. He/she thinks rationally, unlike the Pinoy who is by default emotionally driven. He/she has learned to plan for the future by making sure he/she does not repeat the mistakes of the past. He/she has realized that the dysfunctional side of Filipino culture needs to change.
While I am not advocating that we round up all the morons in the Philippines and place them in concentration camps, the stupid Pinoy has to “die” so that the Filipino may live. The Filipino needs Lebensraum (habitat, or breathing room) in order to prosper. Imagine if we got rid of all the Pinoys; out of 90-100 million people, how many would be left?
We need to take note of a few big differences though: the Jews were conveniently blamed and used as scapegoats for the economic conditions at that time. The Pinoy, on the other hand, is the cause of his/her own social, economic, and political malaise that he/she is currently experiencing and living in. The Jews were persecuted because the National Socialists, with Adolf Hitler at the helm, convinced the Germans to believe that their weathering of the Great Depression meant that they were stealing from the Germans. The Pinoys think that they are always being persecuted because it is in their reflex to play the victim card every time something unfortunate happens to them. On top of that, they were convinced by a group of oligarchs that their own political enemies are the real reasons why Pinoys haven’t progressed an inch in more than two (2) decades.
That brings us to the biggest challenges in exterminating Pinoy stupidity. Pinoys are like cockroaches. There are so many of them that even if you can bring the largest boot you can find to step on them, you won’t get rid of them all. For every one you kill off, two, three, or even more will grow in its place. Most of them just keep escaping. I don’t think gassing them will work either; Pinoys are so used to inhaling toxic substances that any nerve toxin won’t most likely be as potent as we wish it to be. Besides, Pinoys are so full of laughing gas; they are known to laugh at their troubles, they think life is just one big joke, they don’t plan for the serious matters in life, and all they want to do is party. Hard labor? Forget it; the Pinoy is such an irritating whiner that it’s much easier, and more tempting, to shoot him/her than convince him/her that being compliant with regulations is much more beneficial to them in the long run.
Pinoys are resilient all right. Resiliently mediocre. Are you thinking about being frank with a Pinoy? Remember, they’re balat-sibuyas (hypersensitive) cry-babies. That irritating sobbing sound that you will hear will drown out any attempts you may have of talking rationally to him/her, and it gives them a reason to be indignant. Being nice to them won’t work either. With all their arrogance, many Pinoys regard the niceness of other people as something to be taken advantage of, or as a weakness. We need something that will break through the thick skull of the Pinoy in order to get our points across. We need a weapon.
“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom is it aimed” – for all the atrocities that Joseph Stalin was known for, at least he got that quote right. As of now, education is the best solution we have against stupidity. People must be encouraged to read more. Where are more Efren Peñafloridas when they matter and are needed now, more than ever? They need to realize for themselves that their usual sources of information, ABS-CBN, Philippine Daily Inquirer, et al, are not the only ones available out there. The Internet and the library are great examples of places to find credible sources. Pinoys must be torn away from their Willing Willie shows and telenovelas. They need to learn for themselves that there is a world beyond dancing girls on TV, the rich vs poor conflict, and on publications making fun of its allies’ political enemies. And this is where sites like GRP are more than happy to help. You just need an open mind and to check your hypersensitivity at the door because we get very in-your-face here.
Let’s relate this to current events. Two words: Jessica Sanchez. Pinoys are once again hopelessly addicted to an American Idol contestant who is supposedly half-Filipina (not even whole, half), and propping her up and putting her on a pedestal as if she is the solution to all their problems in life. While this girl has talent, why she should be used as yet another symbol of empty and stupid Pinoy pride is beyond me.
Is the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona really going to be the cure-all for corruption that PNoy and his government have been touting it to be? Only time will tell, but with the way that PNoy and the Senate have been posturing lately, it seems that the only thing they’re more interested in now is to keep themselves in the picture for the 2013 elections next year, and beyond.
Unfortunately, the trial has been shaped once again by PNoy and his media friends, who act like a megaphone by the way, to condition the public into believing that this is a fight of good against evil. Of course, PNoy is good and Corona is evil. Naturally, the Pinoys lapped it up like dogs.
The Philippines seems inevitably headed for an armed confrontation with China over the disputed Scarborough Shoal. The Pinoys, supported by theirDummführer (stupid leader) Noynoy Aquino, are protesting loudly like mad dogs in the hope that China will bow down to pressure from everyone else in the international community. First off, China has a reputation for not listening to foreigners, and for silencing noisy dissenters effectively. Second, they have clearly shown that any military force we have, they can easily counter with a lot less effort. Third, we cannot rely on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to save us because it doesn’t cover territorial disputes.
If it perhaps gets to the point that China just decides to bomb the Philippines to smithereens, they’ll actually be helping us eliminate all the stupid people here. Unfortunately, a good portion of Filipinos will be caught in the crossfire too. So this is a scenario that we absolutely must try to avoid. Of course, Pinoys don’t see it that way.
Maybe we need a peace offering to China. Send Noynoy Aquino on a slow boat, bound and gagged so that he can’t escape. Then tell the Chinese happy hunting.
Go ahead. Call me a bigot. Call me racist. I dare you to find even one sentence in this entire article, hell, even the entire site, that says that Filipinos are inferior to the rest of the world solely because it is their nature to be.
Are you part of the solution, or part of the problem? Are you a Pinoy or a Filipino? It’s up to you!

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