Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wilhelmsfeld's 300th Year Anniversary Parade 25 July 2010 and Philippine NATIVE attire/costume

Good Morning,

In connection with Wilhelmsfeld's 300th Year Anniversary, a Town (Fiesta) Parade, with about 40 groups will be held, 25 July 2010 in the town.

Filipinas/Filipinos are invited and welcome also! If your kids are WILLING to walk (or in "Bollerwagen", not carried and crying), in native Philippine costume, let them join!

Two historical personalities will be portrayed: Kaiserin Sissy of Austria and Dr Jose Rizal, both having set foot on this historic village.

For Empress Sissy, someone will be there, with a horse-pulled carriage.

Since Dr Jose Rizal always walked, we will also just walk (please WEAR comfortable shoes or "bakya" with color that befits your NATIVE costume). Wilhelmsfeld town holds the predicate of "Luftkurort" for its fresh air, which would be healthy!

Filipino, German or whatever your nationality, come and PROUDLY be in Philippine NATIVE attire/costume for this day (remember, we will walk!):

Maria Clara,
Philippine Terno,
Barong Tagalog,
Polo Barong,
Folk Dancer

-Maglalatik (with coconuts, if available),
-Muslim Princess/Prince (Singkil)
-Sayaw sa Bangko
-Igorot (with a pot or pots, if you can carry),

Niyog climber (with a sharp knife for "tuba" harvest or bolo, if available),
Kundiman Singer/Guitarist (native pls, with your guitar/shoulder carrier, you might
lead the singing of Philippine Folk Songs, if we may during the parade! We'll
find out.)

with or without Philippine sombreros/abanikos from anahaw/coconut/buri leaves, with puka necklaces/bracelets or bronze, etc.

Shall we carry a streamer, on bamboo poles, neutrally-titled "Philippinen Gruppe"?

Mayor Zellner asked Lazir if he could portray Dr Jose Rizal, which he might have to, depending upon the weather. (Make-up could disappear when it rains!) Bring your camera! haha

Pls pass this info on to many friends/interested others...
More details to follow, when Mayor Zellner gives the info.

Salamat po!

R. Victoria

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