Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who Is Mr 6?

Esteemed Sir Lucien,

Thank you much for speaking up. High time the TRUTH comes out!

Seven years is a long long time! Esguerra practiced being Supreme Commander 4 years but failed. Quiambao, reported to be Mr Supreme Commander 5x (10 yrs?), failed too, judging from his alleged creations named Paras in Europe and Collantes in Canada, with all the unpalatable adjectives that go with their names.

Lazir began critically thinking and writing in 2006, when he saw enough evidence (one is Paras' signed DENUNCIATION of Ms Faith Bautista, reportedly to GET EVEN because Ms Bautista truthfully admonished Paras about the latter's REGULAR loitering within the Philippine Embassy premises, although Paras never worked in the Embassy, nor has he valid reasons to be there transacting business. Is Paras again an Embassy REGULAR decor these days, with the reported posting of an ambassador whose mother is alleged to be the 'Kumare" of Paras? Have to ask please. Let's hope Lazir erred.)!

Today, Lazir could ask why the Supreme Council FAILED to act on this VALID El Filibusterismo Chapter complaint of 2003?

Is 80 pages of a complaint not good enough?

Sir Carmelo Gempesaw ORDERED Paras to turn over El Filibusterismo records, files, approx. 3,000 photos, etc belonging to the said Chapter. Paras ignored this and even then Europe Regional Commander Sir Klaus Hartung. Did Quiambao BLOCK Sir Carmelo's right moves? What good is a Council of Elders that PUSHES the interests of the entire organization in the WRONG direction?

Why did Quiambao approve Paras' NEW chapter formation, WITHIN THREE SHAMEFUL DAYS, despite its being set-up with the WRONG FOOT forward? Could one REALLY put-up a Chapter WITHIN THREE days? Why can't KOR discipline Quiambao? or Paras? Who are they that they could bring SHAME to the entire organization, even TRANSFER the BLAME upon Moreno (per Samuel S. Samuela, incumbent "Supreme" Pursuivant, Rottweiler and FACT Twister!)?

Lazir already was wondering in 2004-2005, asking himself what could be very WRONG in this KOR organization!

He got more involved when his Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter prepared its response to the worldwide KOR call for Amendments to the KOR charter, which ended up as a BIG JOKE that practically amended NOTHING, or making it even WORSE than before the planned CHA CHA!

Sir Pablo S. Trillana III, Sir, we respectfully implore you to please have Paras/his henchmen RETURN valuable El Filibusterismo property BACK to its proper owner, the Chapter. Please beware, kind Sir, because Paras is SLIPPERY like an eel, but has not enough electricity to be that UNTOUCHABLE. If Lazir is found to be WRONG in this particular case at hand, you may expel him because Samuel S. Samuela bungled it when he expelled MORENO! (How can a Supreme Pursuivant expel someone who is NOT a member? Evidently, he lacked SUPREMACY...! No pun intended.)

What use is it for a KOR organization with a "Supreme" FACT TWISTER of a Pursuivant? Is Samuela pursuing his crooked personal interests or the good/valid interests of the entire KOR organization? If he is correct and righteous, he should APOLOGIZE now, in writing, for his ILLEGAL, WRONGFUL (based upon the wrong premise) expulsion of non-KOR Member, Rizal Moreno and Sir Jun Zerrudo!

For those who don't know, these and many other things explain why Lazir calls Paras, the SHAME of Europe!

Truth wills out!

for country and people!

-Pinoy Knight ready and willing to make the supreme sacrifice, if need be, for his beloved Philippines as well as a GOOD NAME for this KOR organization!

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: Lucien Spittael ...@hotmail.com>
An: KOR-world KOR-group
Datum: 02.07.2010 09:09
Betreff: RE: Aw: Re: [KOR World] President Noynoy Aquino's inaugural speech

Hi, Lazir,

Lino's misbehavior did not start in 2006 but already in 2003. He misused his KGOR title and did NOT follow the Manual and by-laws.

The council of El Filibusterismo Chapter did NOT tolerate those abuses, called him to order and followed the procedures prescribed in the Manual.

In order to settle the problems we had a KOR meeting at the Philippine Embassy where Lino Paras blundered, lied, slammed the door and left the room.


An 80 pages complaint was sent to the IHQ in 2003. No explanation has been asked to El Fili Chapter nor have measures ever been taken.

Now, 7 years later, the Belgium problem still exist.



----- Original Nachricht ----

Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 03:01:45 +0200
From: mari...@arcor.de
To: luza...@bellsouth.net; kor-world@googlegroups.com;
Subject: Aw: Re: [KOR World] President Noynoy Aquino's inaugural speech

Sir Ralph,

With due respect, allow me please to quote what your legally-trained mind wrote:

"...then and only then can we justify ourselves to demand for his ouster, not only as our Regional Commander, but also as KOR member."

Lazir is not into destroying names, people's reputations, stepping upon another man's foot, if he has no basis for what he writes.

We here in Europe have already experienced the PAIN of "demanding the ouster (of Felino Paras, who claimed to have authored "Born to be a Hero", submitted FAKE reports to IHQ, padded his Bio Data, claimed to have "coordinated" the Donation of about P2M to the needy in Pinasland, etc.), not only as our Regional Commander, but also as KOR member!", from early 2006 until today!

Many have commended Lazir for steadfastly NOT EASILY GIVING UP! Why should he? Even Sir Nito Abad asked Lazir to course his energies to more fruitful things! But as what Lazir often repeats, Dr Jose Rizal was one man who would NEVER give up his honorable and noble fight! And WHY should he?

Not only does Paras enjoy relatively strong Council of Elders' protection, thru Quiambao, but IHQ even sent attack dog Samuela to expel Moreno, based upon TWISTED legal goobledygook of Sanuela that Moreno "shamed" the organization, in effect turning a BLIND EYE from the SHAME Quiambao's and Paras' acts wrought upon KOR rank and file!

What is shameful about Dr Jose Rizal's noble fight for Reforms, and his exposure of Spanish abuse? Likewise, what is shameful with Lazir's reporting about Quiambao's and Paras' abuses?

Not contented with the above, Paras reportedly even was to receive the KGCR last September 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic! Did Paras not get KGCR because Esguerra got cold feet, became ill and didn't show up? Later in 2009, Esguerra was seen in Bahrain!

Sir Ralph, as a lawyer yourself, you should see the FUTILITY of STOPPING Greed & Abuse manifested in this SCANDALOUS European happening, where the direct descendants of Dr Rizal's friends, Pastor Karl Ullmer and Prof Blumentritt readily RESIGNED out of SHEER DISGUST, DIRECTLY resulting from the Quiambao/Paras abuses of promoting a FAKE to Regional Commander, Europe!

(If Quiambao and Paras are wrongfully malagned, they have the right of recourse to seek a Court of Law and file charges against Lazir! Lazir gives them till 31 July 2010. After that period and they do nothing, Lazir is then proven right. correct?)

Sir Joe is right to apply PREVENTIVE measures, not a dysfunctional CURE!

Moreno's acts DEMANDING Paras' and Quiambao's ouster were JUSTIFIED! Why did Samuela persecute Moreno, even having the guts to expel him? (Lucky for Moreno, he is not a Knight at all, because Samuela FAILED to correctly check the KOR Roster!)

Rizalism is not the MOST number of Chapters opened, the BIGGEST number of men Knighted, nor the HIGHEST amount donated, or the MOST number of assemblies attended, etc.

Lady Gaga can easily duplicate such a feat, in less than a month, if she wants to.

Rizalism is a much HIGHER, NOBLER ideal than those! This is what makes Lazir NEVER give up!

For country and people!

Ang gumagalang,

- Filipino Knight not afraid to call a spade a spade!

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: Jose Sison Luzadas ...@bellsouth.net>
An: kor-world@googlegroups.com, nutmeg@googlegroups.com,
Datum: 01.07.2010 19:27
Betreff: Re: [KOR World] President Noynoy Aquino's inaugural speech

Sir Ralph,

You tried to be persuasive like any good lawyer defending his client against charges that could be proven false in the long run. Excerpt from your defense:

"As Good Samaritans, we, as brothers, should not condemn our fellow knights even before he is found guilty of the charges against him. How about if, later on, the cases were dismissed. That's too aggravating to swallow.

Let's give him a chance and, if ever he would be appointed as our next Regional Commander for Canada and turned out later on that he is guilty of the charges, then and only then can we justify ourselves to demand for his ouster, not only as our Regional Commander, but also as KOR member."

How about some members who differ in your assessment who could invoke a time-honored expression such as "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE"?

Jose Sison Luzadas, KGOR
Scarborough Chapter

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