Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Sir Lino,

"As these mass mails spread untrue and unproven alligations, the receipt of these mails is the more disgusting." - Peter Plueckebaum, Deputy European Regional Commander, 02 Feb 2009

I forgot to tell you please that this KOR case isn't comparable to anyone's!

Mr Plueckebaum's letter is no simple e-mail. Didn't we have a Code of Ethics, Rizalists don't lie? His poor spelling is forgiven, but no true Rizalist may simply IGNORE such a blatant lie, THE MESSAGE, moreso if DISHONESTY is committed by a high KOR official!

Knights cannot expect good governance from scalawags and fakes! True Rizalists must fight, not condone such despotic beginnings! If a high KOR official could lie one sentence today, how many more official lies in the future must we tolerate, before we STOP them? (Germans lost WWI and WWII. When they march for Peace, they banner, "Beware or Fight the Beginnings!" or "NEVER AGAIN!")

Like GMA, IHQ and it's several appointed officials are in DENIAL of reality! Even if you point an elephant to them, they might describe it as a mouse! Plueckebaum's e-mail, similar to Bishop Williamson, denies even the existence/proof/evidence pointing to the Esguerra dishonesty on "non-racism" (Open Letter to Sir Peter Eisele appropriately titled "How to be un-Rizalian"), non-tolerance of indecent words (Letter to Sir Jun Zerrudo), and existence of many Alcoba e-mails, racistic as well as vulgar/indecent, in the hands of several European Knights, notably, Sir Lucien Spittael!

Any KOR defense will be shattered, just by the weight of one person's documentary evidence! Lazir put many names in order to prove to all, he has nothing personal against anyone, Mr Plueckebaum included!

Note please the name Lady Beatrice Agudo-Breuer, number 1 on Lazir's proposed witnesses list, a Filipina lawyer in Germany, married to a German Psychologist/Psychiatrist! Lady Beatrice is, as far as Lazir knows, the only Filipino lawyer in Germany accredited with the German Court, in Bonn! To top all that, Lady Beatrice is a member of the Bonn Ladies Chapter, where erring Mr Plueckebaum is the Knights' Chapter Commander! Will KOR/Mr Plueckebaum present an adverse witness for Lazir, let's say, Sir Medardo Cadiente, Davao Chapter or Lady Baby Pulumbarit? The willingness to present Lady Beatrice is Lazir's PROOF he fights FAIR, although Mr Plueckebaum "stabbed him from the back", violating the Rizalian Code of Ethics! Most imporatnt, Lazir won't dictate what others should say in court! Do you think Lazir, a non-lawyer, will dictate to Lady Attorney Beatrice?

Sir Lino and Sir Manny, there lies the difference between a Rizalian Knight and a fake: talking and observing the Code of Ethics!

Lazir's 30+ witnesses could be overkill, but he thought you wish to join the Fun! Fun! Fun! (applying reverse Psychology!) get-together, if time permits, after the hard work of presenting Rizalism before the German court! As Lazir has stated, every individual is free to testify for Justice, Truth, Integrity, Credibility, Fairness!

A "no" from you, Sir Lino, is most welcome, coming from the dictates of your conscience!

Tree-planting is one thing we both love to do and should continue doing!

For country and people!


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