Monday, February 16, 2009


Written by Bobby Reyes - Feb 15, 2009 at 10:31 AM

No, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (PGMA) does not have any coronary disease necessitating a bypass surgery. But Barack Hussein Obama has found a way to avoid meeting with her when he was a presidential candidate, a President-elect and as President. Yes, three times the American President has played a hide-and-seek game with PGMA. Now, she gets a fourth bypass when President Obama's new Secretary of State undertakes an official first overseas trip to China, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia. Once again, the top envoy of the United States skirts the Arroyo Administration. In fact by going to Indonesia, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton may be traveling across part of the Philippines' air space but she sidesteps the leader of what is supposedly America's most-trusted ally in Asia. This means that insofar as the United States is concerned, PGMA is on the way out. The Filipino lame duck of a leader is now history.

And the irony of it all, PGMA's rah-rah boys and her Rasputins trumpeted that she supposedly met with Secretary of State Clinton during the National Prayer Breakfast (NPB) at the Washington Hilton on Feb. 5, 2009. As this writer reported two days before the event, President Obama would not give PGMA her time of day. He did not even acknowledge in his speech the Filipino leader's presence at the NPB and much more consented to a cursory photo-op at the back of the stage, which President Obama could have done had he wished to be photographed with Mrs. Arroyo.

To read our reports on the diplomatic snub of President Arroyo at the NPB, please click on these links:

President Arroyo Invites Herself Again to Washington, DC, and Once More Will Embarrass Filipinos

President Obama Ignores President Gloria Arroyo at the National Prayer Breakfast

As this column has written before, PGMA must use the remaining days of her Administration to do some things positive, so as to achieve redemption of her presidency. She cannot force the extension of her tenure under the guise of Charter Change because even American policy-and-decision makers treat her as an overstaying and unwelcome guest. Here is that article again that repeated Max V. Soliven's own unsolicited advice for "President Arroyo to save her from herself" - President Arroyo Is in a State of Denial that She Is Not Only a Lame Duck But Also She Is History

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