Friday, February 6, 2009


Sir Barry,

Lazir isn't comparing Holocaust horror, but trying to illustrate that RIZALISM, CHEATING/LYING, CORRUPT practices (the way IHQ does now!) DO NOT AND WILL NEVER MIX! Anyone MIXING these is a FAKE Rizalist!

He wants to say that some in the KOR (you could be included, depending upon where you stand) deny the TRUTH, somehow and in a smaller way, similar to Bishop Williamson...!



A lying/dishonest Supreme Commander Virgilio Esguerra was in BAD FAITH for talking/writing OK, but acting contrary to what he said or what he wrote (Evidence: his April and May 2007 writings!)!



If Virgilio Esguerra were a Scoutmaster who told the Scouts, "We will go 'North'!", but then he went 'South'! Yes Sir, blame goes upon the erring Scoutmaster (Esguerra), not the Scouts (Knights)!

If true as reported that Quiambao did facilitate the change of apppointments to replace Sir Lucien as European Commander back in 2006 with the Paras name, Quiambao is more guilty than Moreno of DAMAGING the KOR name! Why is Quiambao not investigated nor expelled by "logical" Samuel S. Samuela?



Will the same "logical" Samuel Samuela now prosecute his boss/es, the way he expelled others for damaging the KOR name? Didn't Quiambao damage the KOR name by his support of Paras when Sir Lucien was first appointed by Sir Hilario European Commander, but reversed about 2 weeks later, when the fake Paras was appointed, reportedly thru the machinations of Quiambao? This "stab in the back" was reported as one reason that made Sir Hans Schoof resign from the KOR!

This DAMAGE to the KOR name transpired BEFORE Lazir started writing!

Where is "logical" Samuela's investigation of this DAMAGE to the KOR name? If Samuela will not investigate/prosecute/resolve to expell Quiambao nor Esguerra, he is spineless, a fake Rizalist and has no credibility!

Where is the Supreme Council/Council of Elders initiative to investigate Quiambao/Esguerra for DAMAGING the KOR name? Do we wait another 2 years, when Esguerra already retired? Lazir can tell you already that Quiambao/Esguerra both won't be investigated by "logical" Samuela but KOR will again provide Esguerra FREE airfare/hotels for some KOR assembly in a foreign country!

Can you please provide CLEARCUT answers to these questions, Sir Barry? Do you need 1 week time?


[Even World Bank's Paul Volcker or former US State Secretary Sir Henry Kissinger will say the same thing Lazir stated above, if shown the same FACTS Lazir has! Lazir doesn't see any hatred anywhere!!??? Where, kind Sir please, is hatred in Lazir's e-mails? Ask Sir Henry Kissinger about Watergate and he will tell you that his Commander-in-Chief did WRONG! And, this won't mean Sir Henry Kissinger hates/hated Nixon!]

The Rizalian should stay, the un-Rizalian must go!

Like the national hero who never asked for clemency, nor lenience from the abusive Spaniards who hated him, true Rizalists CANNOT COMPROMISE upon GRAVE ABUSE/S of Quiambao and Esguerra!

Isn't it flimsy/despotic/tyrannic of KOR to expell Sir Jun Zerrudo, where IFKoR NEVER infringed upon something that KOR doesn't have copyright ownership of? Besides, RA 646 doesn't prohibit any Filipino from use of any symbols, not even KOR symbols, for FURTHERING the ideas, ideals, principles of Dr Jose Rizal! What's wrong if IFKoR uses such symbols and does the job better?

Have you seen Catholics prosecuting Jews for touching the cross?

Where, Sir Barry, does it say in RA 646 that no one can use nor borrow the Rizalian symbols, knowing that the use is purely RIZALIAN? Don't you think it's TRAVESTY of the hero's name and an INJUSTICE when the CORRUPT use the KOR symbols?

Isn't the devil WRONG already, from the very beginning, even if it ONLY touches the cross?

IFKOR is International Federation of Knights of Rizal, and is longer than KOR by two words? Can any of the KOR legal pundits or experts please show Lazir the exact provision/passage in RA 646 where it says borrowing or using those sysmbols for Rizalian purposes are WRONG? Lazir will give them 7 days from today!

Lazir can bet with you, there's none! Yet, like the way despots behave, even the ABSENCE of grounds, is made to fit, like a SQUARE PEG upon a ROUND HOLE, just to please evil wishes!

On the other side, Sec 4, RA 646, which limits membership to those with GOOD MORAL CHARACTER, is IGNORED by the same, so-called "legal luminaries" of the IHQ, AFRAID to FACE the glaring TRUTH! Foremost are Quiambao, (Judge?) Chavez and (Lawyer?) Samuela. They erred on their conclusions/findings on Sir Jun Zerrudo and Moreno!

Do you really believe Moreno acted "inimically to the KOR interests, giving KOR a bad name" when Quiambao and Esguerra have been proven to have ACTED INIMICALLY to the interests of the KOR?..., still CONSISTENLY giving said KOR a bad name, from as far back as RY 1999-2000 (or even earlier?) when Lazir was silent?

Wasn't Quiambao involved in the fight for control of the IHQ? Lazir knows you cannot say NO to this last question...because you will become a liar if you say NO!

And sure as night and day, Quiambao gave the KOR a bad name, which PRETENDERS Chavez and Samuela cleverly OVERLOOKED! Quiambao still gives the KOR a bad name, until today! If he doesn't CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, till tomorrow! But Chavez and Samuela woud rather beat upon lowly, small fish Sir Jun Zerrudo and Moreno, than beat their BOSS/es!

It is FACTUAL/PROVEN that the Supreme Commander lied and was dishonest! Dr Jose Rizal was not corrupt! IHQ unfortunately is!

Please remember that we are international Rizalists, who pledged to "FIGHT INJUSTICE"!

We come from many nations, not from Alibaba's Forty nor are we the "boys" of Paras, Quiambao and Esguerra!

We are engaged in a Rizalian discussion, so nothing wrong if Lazir must remind everyone about the past ABUSE/S committed/and the current abuses being committed in the name of the national hero, the same way Germany and Germans do not forget the Holocaust and the Pogrom night!

You might be referring to Mr Alcoba's mails that indeed qualified as HATE MAIL, HATRED (devoid of reason!) about many things contrary to his benefactors at IHQ. Lazir doesn't stoop that low. He might have FORCEFUL/VALID arguments, he might have called a SPADE A SPADE, that even Quiambao won't dare reply to!

Thank you Sir Barry for the fruitful exchange!

For country and people!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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