Friday, February 6, 2009


Magnificent, both your discourses, Sir Joe and Sir Manny!

Now all should know how rightfully you deserve your rank Sir Joe Luzadas! You do good work for Rizalism!

If IHQ insists upon Filipino leaders, you should perhaps be the European Commander this region so deserves!

Mandela possesses the patience of Job!, the wisdom of King Solomon! and Dr Jose Rizal's vision! That's why Sir Manny!

Do we have one such "leader" among the legal "luminaries" at IHQ? Perhaps, but definitely not the ONES running the show!

Today, the relevant question to ask while we are talking about Dr Jose Rizal and Rizalism is: will KOR have a good and benevolent Supreme Commander, the likes (at least!) of Sir Hilario Davide, Jr., who immediately initiated the right moves, including issuing the right directives to as far as Europe, attempting to CORRECT THE WRONG?

Sorry to disappoint anyone that Lazir didn't mention any names today, 03 Feb 09! But, it's not always 03 Feb 09, which they can consider their lucky day!

You all very well know the ROUND individuals that don't FIT in the SQUARE KOR peg of Rizalism!

Let's search for that true Rizalist Leader, one all Rizalists can be PROUD of!

For country and people!



Sir Joe,

Rizal's words "WHAT GOOD IS INDEPENDENCE IF THE SLAVES OF TODAY ARE THE TYRANTS OF TOMORROW" became to the Philippines a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Our leaders today are in fact the tyrants Rizal dreaded yesterday.

Put that in contrast to South Africa, where after the fall of Apartheid President Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, where anyone who confessed his crimes committed in the name of Apartheid and repents for them will be pardon absolutely.

What an admirable concept, what genius these two formidable leaders have shown to the whole world how to be magnanimous in victory.

And this is after Mandela had endured 25 years of imprisonment.

There is no current leader I would want to shake hands with but this great man, who after suffering a lot still had it in his heart to forgive even his tormentors. There is no better example of Christ's teaching but this humble man who blazed a path of prosperity for his country through his forgiving spirit.

He is a lawyer by profession, but who can teach a man to avoid the temptation to be corrupted by power? How did he prepare himself to lead without thoughts of revenge? And in the end, when he had set his country to a course of irreversible progress for his people, he relinquished power. He stepped down without being told his time was over.

Can the Philippines have a Mandela to lead us out of this wilderness called corruption?

Let us pray for our country that God will give us such a man.

Manny Bade

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