Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Dear Mr. Bowman:

First of all, it highly surprises me that you extend your invitation to the "International Federation of Knights of Rizal" (IFKOR) - an organization that has just been banned by the so-called Acting Supreme Commander of the Manila-based Knights of Rizal. So, I take this fact as official acceptance of the IFKOR. Or can I consider this invitation as an administrative mistake?

It has been stated with deeper insight by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, and I may quote this philosophical author: "Language is the source of all misunderstanding." And it is, indeed, a very special misunderstanding caused by the use of language of the IHQ in Manila or the way language is honoured by this century. How come that apart from racism even in its most supreme council that pretend to present itself as the heir of one of the greatest authors in Philippine history and in the world literature of the 19thsophisticated form plagiarism, the morally worst an author can do or what can be done to an author, how come that plagiarism beside other evil sisters is tolerated, honoured and trivialized?

Maybe because the so-called Knights of Rizal are more engaged in holding commemorations, all kind of social events or promoting beauty contests? Maybe there is simply no interest and no academic and professional knowledge of what the above mentioned issues mean? Not also from a legal point of view. This has implications with staining Philippine national honour more than foreign nations could do it. At the same time it marks the surrender of Philippine civil society. This was achieved alone by fellow countrymen of "the First Filipino", the "Proud of the Malayan Race". I really do not expect any answer.

Since years the "Order of the Knights of Rizal" has moved away from Rizal, the reason of its foundation. Due to its failure which is shining in all colours of human vanity and human stupidity it has now lost all rights to represent Rizalism in all its meanings. Rizal if still alive would shiver with the thought about what kind of heirs are referring to his authority.

My gorge is rising. That is why I allow to repeat myself. The same what I told to Mr. Bobby Reyes whose attitude towards the things we are talking about I appreciate. As fellow Rizalist, as ex-member of the OKOR and as college in the fields Rizal himself entered generations before.

"Looking back to the 17 months when I was a Knight of Rizal I feel ashamed about that fact. Since I see his RP vision, since I sense his attitude towards the self-styled order that continues misusing Rizal's name to justify plagiarism, racism, a remarkable lack of professionalism - he convinced me that simply laughing about these parodies of knighthood is the best thing to do with them. Yes, indeed foreign friends of the Philippines are asking: "How come a people that produced one of the greatest men in the world could be, and are still, led by crooks, scoundrels and nincompoops -- for majority of the time since July 4, 1946?" How come that fools and academic illiterates dressed up in costumes are allowed to dominate in a once useful organization and to stain the reputation of Philippine civil society.

And I told him: You must be aware that this view does influence the view on your organization's efforts to revitalize Rizal's country. Maybe the OFW's must be those making a new nation since the old seems to be spoiled by the influence of 'rotten eggs'. And because the majority is silent and indifferent; their policy is focused on getting food on the table, day in, day out. But you and your movement cannot present yourselves as the other, the good Philippines with innocent hands. You shall be accepted and honoured to represent Philippine culture only if you also take responsibility for the wrongdoings and blames your fellow countrymen did to said culture where all of you come from and which you want to renew with spirit from Rizal's spirit.

In this way, you shall regain the moral credit that has been gambled away long since before you resigned from the ranks of the so-called Order of the Knights of Rizal, an organization that fits no international at all because of its purely and one-sided Filipino based view and habits. As I know you resigned from said order I feel proud to have resigned. I shall never join again. Maybe you either. Because from the current point of view that would mean to force oneself well below mediocrity - something I never want experience again.

Again and again, to all Rizalists I say: Jose Rizal is honoured as an author, as a scientist, inventor and physician. A polyglot and revolutionary thinker in his time and country. He was regular member of scientific societies (How many so-called "Knights of Rizal" could fulfil such criteria?). Rizal truly followed international standards in terms of scientific working, moral and intellectual honesty. His human qualifications have been praised by his lifetime friends already. No need to repeat them here and today. But I say to you: following the very same standards Rizal himself mastered so well is the condition to be a Rizalist. They did not change since his death. They do not make you a Rizalist, but they enable you to become it. Without service there are no merits.

My dear Mr. Reyes, being an author yourself you are closer to me even though we have not meet personally. So, you know what plagiarism means and how it should be punished. As author you are in succession of Rizal and in all that special responsibility combined with authorship: defending the freedom of speech, thoughts and intellectual property all over the world. Those who might believe they can oppress these powers will be overpowered by them."

My dear Mr. Bowman, I do not end my long reply without assuring you that I do not doubt on your Rizalian motivations and ideals at all. Because I am convinced: it is more Rizalian to free yourself from the forms when they lost the very substance they should serve (and not vice versa!) - that is why I am on this side of ongoing debates and discussions of what Rizalism practically means. At this very moment I am a voice of 350 Million Europeans living in an ancient cultural area - an area that was Rizal's intellectual home at least. This Europe belongs to chapters Rizal's life and work, but neither the Knights of Rizal could "command" Europe nor any of their chapters belong to any parts of Europe as long they act as their vanity commands. I hope, even if we are of different opinions this does not stand between us as men.


Christoph S. Eberle

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a real joke!. More businessmen looking to convert their image of blood suckers to compassionate Philanthropists using the the Greatest name the Philippines ever produced. Just one more!...Like many came to the rescue of the Philippines fighting poverty alleviation that at the end of the day rescuers bank accounts are larger day after day..
