Thursday, April 24, 2008

December 1896 was INJUSTICE IN HISTORY that may (SOON) repeat itself...!

All concerned please,

In the current KOR set-up, there's no level playing field!

It takes no rocket scientist to compare Jose Baron Fernandez's "Jose Rizal: Filipino Doctor and Patriot" and Sir Paras' "Born to be a Hero" to arrive at the conclusion that, except for a couple of paragraphs at the beginning, it is ONE AND THE SAME WORK! One hour is long already! (I did it in less than 5 minutes!)

To spend 12 months to "investigate" the same is plain and simple OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (!), a mockery of the blindfolded JUSTITIA, if TOP ECHELON knows Justice's intrinsic meaning!, if they indeed are for an earnest investigation!

To say it bluntly, IHQ wants to keep Sir Paras (and ALL THE UNDESERVING KGORs) in the KOR AT ALL COSTS!

It's no brainer to conclude that IHQ fully supports the identified PLAGIARIST. Hence the prolonged "investigation" that has been extended overtime, so many times! Justice delayed is Justice denied!

Even Sir Barry took unusually hard beating in the hands of proven racist, Sir Alcoba, promoted KGOR July 2007 in Paris, France, by the same Supreme Council that issued Memo 006, Series of 2008, to "investigate" Lazir..., yet can't even SUSPEND a Plagiarist and proven Racists both: Sir Paras and Sir Alcoba!

At least, discerning members now CLEARLY see, cause of trouble is the unmasked TOP ECHELON!

Like the National Hero, Dr Jose Rizal, who was UNCOMFORTABLE to the abusive colonizers, no way for Lazir to back-out or back-down, even if IHQ plays prosecutor, jury and executioner..., ultimatly issuing a verdict of "guilty", long before the "investigation" has begun! (December 1896 was INJUSTICE in history repeating itself!)

The stakes are that high, because KOR carries Dr Rizal's name/symbol which no one (not even an Acting Supreme Commander or one who might have (ab)used it 5x?) may trample upon!

It is every TRUE Rizalist's fight to uphold the National Hero's name!

Backing down is, for TRUE Rizalists, tantamount to giving way for the high and the mighty SCALAWAGS AND BAD EGGS to reign forever!

To put it simply, the FIGHT is for LOST HONOR AND DIGNITY of the KOR! It is

For country and people!


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