Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Mr Cesar “Bhoy” Alcoba

Boy oh Bhoy,

I´m very much shocked about the emails you´ve been writing lately.

Are you writing those emails of your own accord or on behalf of somebody else? So to speak, your master´s voice, for whom you are doing the dirty jobs he is not able or willing to do, or your own?

Do you remember, when we met in Bonn last autumn, I asked you, because you had been using terms like “crazy” and “mental asylum” in your letters before, if you were an expert in these matters, i.e. a psychiatrist or a psychologist? You denied that. So I thought those words had been a singular lapse. But after reading that you are using the same terminology in recent emails again, the only conclusion I can draw from that is the question, if you, as you are so familiar with that subject, are suffering from the same disease.

This seems to be underlined by the fact that you, whenever you cannot find a rational argument in a dispute, call other people with different opinions “crazy” or “racist”.

I was struck, when in Bonn last autumn, during that interesting and meaningful discussion about José Rizal, at the table where you and all those KGORs were sitting, they only seemed to be present in a physical sense. They seemed unwilling (for lack of interest?) or unable (for lack of knowledge or intellectual abilities?) to take part in the discussion, whereas many others did so.

Your constant denouncing of others as “crazy” or “racist” is un-Rizalian, anti-Rizalian, primitive and stupid and does not become a Knight of Rizal, let alone a KGOR. Such a behaviour is a disgrace for our Order.

You disqualify yourself with every word you are writing, and the most ridiculous thing is when you are writing, “the truth to come out”.

I am fed up with you disseminating your aggressive, insulting and disgusting rubbish round the world. I do not want to receive any further emails of that kind from you.

Rainer J. Weber

(in close contact with José Rizal for 48 years, Knight for 20 years, Chapter Commander for 11 years, bearer of the Distinguished Service Medal of Rizal Award of the Knights of Rizal, and alleged “racist”)

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