Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Leader Who CANNOT Lead Nor Carry On A GOOD Fight!

Sir Barry,

Per the KOR Constitution and By-Laws:


A Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) is one who has been conferred the second highest degree of the Order.

Any Knight of Rizal or any person who has performed an outstanding achievement for the Philippines or for the Order, may be conferred the degree of Knight Grand Officer of Rizal by the Supreme Council.

Question: Was the conferrment to KGOR of Sirs

Lino Paras (accused of Plagiarism!),
Boy Alcoba (accused of Racism!),
Rudy Nollas (pointed to the Plagiarist!),
Tony Guansing (is "typing" for Sir Lino "outstanding" per above

NOT a VIOLATION of the KOR By-Laws, in view of the fact that the ABOVE are UNDESERVING? IHQ until NOW REFUSE to present PROOF of "Outstanding Achievement for the Philippines or for the Order" of the above-mentioned individuals?

IHQ was asked for documents since November 2007! Is IHQ REFUSAL not tantamount to HIDING a Corrupt Practice?

Formulated another way, if IHQ did RIGHT and those four above are DESERVING, why HIDE the fact from the members?

Stories on recipients of the "Congressional Medal of Honor" are always published!, same way recipients of the Order of the British Empire are NOT HIDDEN, for emulation purposes!)

Why does the KOR not exalt the many Philippine Embassy drivers worldwide to KGOR? If they drive the Philippine Ambassadors SAFELY to work daily, they must be as good as, if not better (or WORTHY!) like the driving of Sir Boy Alcoba that the Supreme Council considered (?) as "Outstanding Achievement for the Philippines or for the Order"?

If you would please allow me some more comments Sir Barry:

1st. What reportedly was WRONG/UNFAIR was that the WINNER was the "girl friend" of the head of the Committee (if not a member of the jury)! In addition, it is alleged that despite the KOR MEMO asking the committee head to SUBMIT all pertinent documents to the IHQ, the document/s were NOT surrendered and NO INSUBORDINATION order was given by IHQ! WHY? WHY? WHY? (he counting was NEVER questioned.)

2nd. There is no KOR Law Department. Period. Any FURTHER investigation is a DELAY TACTIC! Period. Someone is lying? Justice DELAYED is Justice DENIED! If IHQ is SERIOUS, why not send Sir Pedro Rosito, a lawyer in his own right, to Europe to INVESTIGATE this case personally? If I remember right, he told me last month in Cebu that the Sir Lino Paras Case has been decided last 2007! Why this "FURTHER INVESTIGATION"?

Granting all officials at IHQ are "volunteers", must a CRIMINAL ACT like plagiarism take more than 12 months to decide? (Why was Sir Carmelo Gempesaw ORDERED right AWAY to shut up? Was Sir Carmelo's act of providing documents to Lazir a HEAVIER Criminal Activity than Plagiarism???) Putting it another way, will DISMISSAL of Sir Lino Paras, EXPOSE a BIGGER CAN of WORMS pointing at some members of the Supreme Council and/or Council of Elders at the IHQ?

3rd. Again, if Racism is an International Crime, WHY is it taking LONGER for the Supreme Council to ISSUE an Order to said Area Commander? Sir Carmelo Gempesaw's providing Lazir a copy of Minutes of the Meeting is NOWHERE ever classified as a CRIME, domestic/international/global?

Why was the Order for Sir Carmelo to STOP much FASTER?

4th. Granting that Sir Carmelo Gempesaw failed to "file the answers and reports required by the Council of Elders", did Sir Lino Paras respond to the Memo of Sir Hilario Davide? Why is Sir Carmelo getting "SPECIAL" treatment while the Sir Lino Paras Case has been DRAGGING on for almost TWO LONG YEARS??? All we hear is "FURTHER Investigation" underway...!

What is MORE UNETHICAL, for Sir Carmelo to pass on information to Lazir, or the
b. - ATTEMPT TO DELETE portions of the Minutes of a Meeting PERTAINING to the BLANK CHECKS,

5th. Information passed on to me was that 5,000 (Euro or US$?) was donated. I wish Sir Alex Mushake could clarify this.

6th. What was QUESTIONED about the P76,000 check was that it was allegedly ONE of 20 + 10 "BLANK CHECKS/VOUCHERS" (total of 30) that were reportedly SIGNED in the US, OUTSIDE the Philippines! The signatures were not questioned.

7th. Same as 6th above. Questioned as ILLEGAL was having the BLANK CHECKS/VOUCHERS SIGNED in the US. Sir Medardo, the Deputy Supreme Exchequer is in the country, willing to take over the funtions of the Supreme Exchequer, Sir Chavez, who is reportedly on medical leave in the US. Why even think of BURDENING a sick man to sign BLANK CHECKS/VOUCHERS? (I used to work as bank auditor and know what "dual control" means. - Lazir)

8th. I wish Ms Guevarra well. I hope she also gets so MUCH MORE KINDNESS like Sir Lino Paras! To say it another way, if she did something wrong, can't her case/s also be FURTHER INVESTIGATED by the Law Department? ...why not another 24 months FURTHER Investigation. That means, she should STILL stay on KOR payroll!

9th. Why is Plagiarism taking SO LONG? All one has to do is merely compare Chapter One of "Born to be a Hero" and the book of Jose Baron Fernandez! If not, Chapter Five, or Chapter Eight? It won't take a whole MONTH, if slow and a whole WEEK, if SC is fast? Is DELAY for a PURPOSE? When Elections for next Regional Commanders take place, then simply DECLARE the case as "moot and academic"? Who is SCHEMING here, Sir Ver Esguerra or Sir Rogelio Quiambao?

Why can't the SC tell everyone, thru Ms Maureen Fernandez, what those four (4) "dropped" cases are?

I would like to know WHAT was, WHY they were, HOW come they were, DROPPED?

Thank you so much, kind Sir Barry, for getting the answers to us! We do have a RIGHT to know!

Despite your untiring EFFORTS, the ANSWERS (?) we get from IHQ make us ASK MORE QUESTIONS!! My call is STILL

Expulsion for Sir Lino Paras!
Resignation for Sir Rogelio Quiambao!
Resignation for Sir Ver Esguerra!

For For a Democratic Order!
For Pride in the Order!
For the Good of the Order!


P.S. - The Filipino Nation is getting uneasy! People start to ask VALID Questions! They are MARCHING with their Feet and SHOUTING IN LOUD VOICES! As Illustrious members of the KOR, we should be at the FRONT standing up to what is MORALLY RIGHT ! ! ! (where is the so-called KOR Leadership???)

"Real Filipino men are those who are ready to die for honor, not those willing to live in shame." - Antonio Meloto

"One thing I'd like people hopefully to realize: the word Filipino pertains not just to family but to the entire nation of people called Filipinos. Once in a while you take risks for this nation." Engr. Rodolfo Lozada, Jr.

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