Monday, July 13, 2020

11 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Never Put In Your Mouth Again

1. Food That Uses Containers With BPA

BPA stands for bisphenol A. It is an industrial chemical used to make plastics and can linings. Storing food in BPA-lined containers can cause the chemical to seep into the beverage or food and find its way into our system. Although the exact mechanism of how BPA causes cancer has not been established, numerous studies have shown that in certain amounts, BPA can promote the growth of breast cancer cells. [2] Other studies have linked BPA with sperm production problems, breast changes, and prostate gland abnormalities[3] Another source of BPA in our homes are microwaveable food products and containers. Some of the plastic food containers we have at home are microwave safe but over time the heat can cause the plastic to breakdown, allowing BPA to leach into the food. [4]

2. Smoked And Cured Processed Meats

Red meat by itself is classified according to the American Cancer Society as a probable carcinogen when consumed. [5] Although this remains to be a controversial topic, there is evidence to suggest that a diet high in red meat and processed meat increases the chances of a person developing cancer. This might be attributed to the nitrites which are often added to cured meats as part of their processing. Nitrites are used to cure meats like bacon, corned beef, hot dogs, hams, pastrami, sausages and even fish.

3. Farmed Salmon

Salmon, when caught in the wild, is healthy and rich in heart-friendly fats likeomega 3. However, farmed salmon is a different story. Farmed salmon has higher levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls or PCB and dioxins because of the “fish meal” diet it is typically fed. Fish meal contains ground up fish that has often been found to be contaminated with PCBs. This happens because the fish used in the meal gets exposed to toxic levels of the chemical found in the water. This is especially true to those fish meals sourced from the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. [6]
PCBs are carcinogenic and toxic to the body. Unfortunately, the guidelines and regulations are not stringent enough to protect the consumers from the harmful effects. In fact, in 2004, the US Environmental Protection Agency released a statement that the only safe way to eat farmed salmon is to eat only 8oz of it once every four months. [7] In the mean time, it is safer to just buy organic wild salmon from trusted companies. [8]

4. Foods High In Trans Fat

Trans fat is considered by doctors as the worst fat you can consume. Trans fat increases bad cholesterol levels in the body while decreasing the levels of good cholesterol. In addition to that, trans fat has also been linked to intestinal tumor growths in animal models. This prompted the FDA to order the food industry to phase out the use of hydrogenated oils, the main source of trans fat in the market, within 3 years. [9]

5. Grilled Meats

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)are carcinogens formed when meat – including beef, pork, and poultry – is exposed to high-temperature cooking methods. HCAs and PAHs are capable of damaging DNA and can alter the growth rate of cells, which in turn can trigger cancer in the body. [10]

6. Microwave Popcorn

In the past, a chemical called Diacetyl was discovered to be harmful to the lungs when inhaled. This very same chemical was used to flavor popcorn back in the day. Fast forward to the present time, Diacetyl has now been replaced with 2,3-pentanedione. However, animal data shows that this too is a danger when inhaled. Another danger in microwave popcorn is PFOS or perfluorooctane sulfonate[11] This prevents the oil from seeping into the bag and making a mess. Due to its possible cancer-causing properties, the FDA banned the use of PFOS for food packaging. [12]

7. Non-Organic Fruits And Vegetables

Food not grown organically is exposed to dangerous pesticides. This includesPyrethroid pesticides. Pyrethroid pesticides have been found to speed up the onset puberty in boys. Early puberty increases the risk of conditions like testicular cancer, stunted growth, and behavioral problems. [13]

8. High Sugar Beverages

Too much sugar is obviously bad, but it might not be just because of diabetes. In a study published by the American Association for Cancer Research, researchers have found that sugar-sweetened beverages, when consumed by postmenopausal women, increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer. [14]We should also keep in mind that high sugar intake can lead to diabetes and diabetes is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer.

9. Hot Beverages

Coffee and tea by themselves do not pose any harm to our health, but when they are consumed at very high temperatures they can damage the lining of our esophagus. Given enough time this happens, you would be placing yourself at risk for esophageal cancer. How hot is too hot? Not as hot as you might think: The International Agency for Research on Cancer puts it around 65 degrees Celsius or above[15]

10. Contaminated Nuts

Aflatoxin is a chemical produced by certain types of molds that grow on nuts and grains. Aflatoxin is strongly associated with the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer. This does not mean you should give up eatingnuts and grains. Instead, buy them from reputable sellers and store properly in a cool and dry place. [16]

11. Artificially Sweetened Food

In a study published in the Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, it was found that even consuming the regulated amount of aspartame caused animal test subjects to experience increased in appetite and weight. The same can be said forsaccharin, another artificial sweetener, in which the same study pointed out, that its consumption caused weight gain instead of the expected weight loss[17]Being overweight puts you at a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
[2] Study Shows How BPA May Affect Inflammatory Breast Cancer Study is the first to identify how chemicals might encourage deadly cancer’s growth (2017).
[6] Caution: Farmed Salmon May Cause Cancer.
[7] PCBs in farmed salmon: contaminated fish meal.
[9] Fatty Diet Activates Oldest Branch of Immune System, Causing Intestinal Tumors (2016).
[10] Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk.
[12] FDA Bans Three Toxic Chemicals From Food Wrapping – Too Little, Too Late.
[13] Pyrethroid pesticide exposure appears to speed puberty in boys (2017).
[14] Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake and the Risk of Type I and Type II Endometrial Cancer among Postmenopausal Women (2013).
[15] Can coffee cause cancer? Only if it’s very hot, says WHO agency.
[17] Saccharin and aspartame, compared with sucrose, induce greater weight gain in adult Wistar rats, at similar total caloric intake levels (2013).

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