Saturday, May 9, 2020


Money Triangle and Other Money Lines

The money triangle and other money signs might be just a myth; however, it is an interesting subject in hand reading. Over the years, I have come across many of these marks, and some seem to fit their description, especially the star. These marks are often made up of other lines; like the ‘money triangle’ is made up by the head and fate line by a rising line. Some of the triangles and lines can be misread by ones like the stress line.
I don’t often look for any of these symbols because they are not a part of modern palmistry. However, if I see one, I compare the rest of the hand for clues to potential ‘money luck’ so to speak. I look for clear lines, well-developed fingers that are straight, firm skin and other indicators (see this article).
I have listed the nine main markings like the money triangle, which point to a potential boost in finances. In Indian palmistry, however, there are even more signs that are rare, like the fish sign (see below) or lotus flower.

money triangle, money lines

The list of money lines

  1. A single vertical line that rises from the heart line under the little finger (on the Mercury mount) shows potential for sudden wealth.
  2. The inheritance line is a short vertical line which sits in between the little finger and ring finger. This line depicts inheritance later in life.
  3. A trident on the fate line on the Saturn mount beneath the middle finger shows luck with money. It is often on those people who always seem to find the money somehow when times get tough.
  4. A star on the Apollo line (sun line or success line), shows celebrity status or sudden fame. Unfortunately, this star can denote any fame, even the criminal kind. It’s best to look for other positive indicators like a well-formed head line and heart line.  
  5. The money triangle is a line that rises from the fate line to the head line and shows money through a business idea or the career. Be careful, however, don’t mistake this triangle with other lines. Sometimes a stress line crossing at this point makes it look like the money triangle.
  6. The triangle of earnings is common and shows the ability to make money and hold onto it. It forms clearly when the health line, fate and the head line crosses. Often there is a gap, and if so, it is not a triangle.
  7. A perfectly formed small triangle on the line of life shows a boost in finances, whether through inheritance or something else.

More Money Lines

No. 8. The fish sign is one of the more popular Indian symbols that suggest money luck. If the tail points upwards, the luck is later in life, like after age fifty. If the nose points upwards, it is earlier. Look at where the nose is pointing for clues to where the money comes. For example, if it points to the Mercury mount, it suggests business. If it points to the Apollo mount, then it denotes a creative endeavour. To the Saturn mount, possibly from the father or grandfather. To the Jupiter mount (under index finger) it might be royalties.
No. 9. The island formation on the thumb in Indian palmistry shows the person can have excellent earnings. These lines need to form a shape like a grain of rice with no branches, gaps or breaks. (See an article about thumb lines here.)

The Success line and Fate line can also depict money

The success line, also known as the line of Apollo, line of sun or creativity, is a vertical line which it rises from the upper areas of the Mount of Moon. It is not present as a complete line on all hands and is more typically found only in segments. When someone has the success line on the palm, it signifies the sense of achievement and satisfaction that a person feels in their life.
In legend, Apollo was the name granted to the sun god who ruled over creativity, music, and the arts; that is why the line is more prominent on those who are using their creative talent positively.
The longer this line, the more it shows talent to express creativity, personal fulfilment or merely the capacity to enjoy life. It is not a guarantee of fame and fortune, but it does bring a certain amount of luck into the individual’s life. It shows that there is potential for accomplishing a great deal. In some cases, this line rises from inside the life line; it is then referred to as an inheritance line, suggesting money or property acquired from the family’s estate.
From the fate line, you might also see signs of money, and that would come in the form of a rising branch line. Usually, this branch is faint and not easy to spot. It is almost parallel to the fate line and can be a sign of an inheritance or other boost to the finances.

rising branch line on fate line

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