Sunday, December 8, 2019

Revelations that Jover Laurio suffered a stroke raises questions: WHO is writing for @PinoyAkoBlog?


Revelations that Jover Laurio suffered a stroke raises questions: WHO is writing for @PinoyAkoBlog?

In a Facebook post, social media personality Krizette Laureta Chu reveals that the face of iconic Opposition channel Pinoy Ako Blog, Jover Laurio, had suffered a stroke “in late October” that seemingly left her right arm significantly weakened. According to Chu, Laurio is currently undergoing rehabilitation to strengthen the arm.
Chu then raises some interesting questions around who really is behind PAB and what really is the motivation behind the rabid content published on this site.
PS: While Jover was in the hospital, Pinoy ako blog was still very active. Here in one of the screencaps, Jover posts that she can hardly use her two hands to eat. And it takes many fingers to type.
So how many writers do they have? And why does Jover allow herself to be used like this? If those writers have strong political stands, they should come out—but no, they are leaving her to face the backlash alone. Why do you allow them to use you like this, Jover? Why don’t you ask them to stand on their own names?
Below is the screenshot Chu cites which she had included on her Facebook post.
If it is true that there are multiple writers and content producers behind PAB (considering how prolific the site is and the evident amount of work that goes into producing the memes that adorn its posts), one wonders how authentic a media brand PAB really is and, as Chu points out, whether Laurio is just another willing victim of the Yellowtard community of power-hungry carpetbaggers.

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