Friday, August 30, 2019

PCOO undersecretary: Robredo is mere puppet of Yellows


Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) undersecretary Lorraine Marie Badoy wrote how Vice President Leni Robredo is an empty vessel being filled and used by the Yellows to assume higher power.

All critics of Robredo are being silenced. Even La Salle professor Antonio Contreras was petitioned to be fired for allegedly speaking against her, although Badoy explains that Contreras’ statements were misunderstood.

The Vice President has been fed with ideas of extrajudicial killings, Marcos-era Martial Law, and dictatorship under President Rodrigo Duterte so she would issue statements that elicits support from the public.
Photo credit to the owner

The accounts that bully anti-Leni and pro-Duterte supporters are attacked by trolls and anonymous accounts which Badoy underlines as the “same old formula”.
Photo credit to the owner

Even when Duterte had forwarded policies and changes that no other president was able to achieve, the Yellows will still find a way to brand him as a tyrant or murderer.

The Yellows intervene with government efforts for peace negotiations and attempt ways to impeach Duterte so their “puppet” can sit in power and run the country in the way they want her to.

Robredo, on the other hand, has no mind to spot the deception and abuse done to her by her own camp, and how she is merely being used to accomplish their selfish interests.

Read her full article below:

"I see the Unseen Hand.

I didn’t used to. And even though I can see it now, I still continue to call it the Unseen Hand because I see too that this Unseen Hand has strings and those strings are attached to its puppets, the Unthinking. And they don’t see It.
Photo credit to the owner

And all the Unseen Hand has to do is point to the lone narra tree in the middle of a forest filled with trees—with mountains and a stream and birds flying about and 100 goats grazing in the field—and voila! Like magic, all the Unthinking will see is that one narra tree. It is as if the other trees, the mountains, the goats, the streams vanished into thin air and no longer exist.

All the Unthinking will see is what the Unseen Hand wants them to see.
Photo credit to the owner

The Unseen Hand shushes them when they attempt to let go of their fears and think for themselves. The Unthinking will throw buzz words at them: EJK! MARTIAL LAW! FERDINAND MARCOS!, and that is all the Unthinking needs to formulate what s/he thinks is his own opinion.

And isn’t the illusion of freedom the more dangerous enslavement than the enslavement that is clear as day?
Photo credit to the owner

Because you think “I’m real smart”, or “I’m a freedom fighter.” Or, “I fight for human rights, equal rights, etc” when in reality, all you are is a one-celled paramecium for whom knee jerk responses are your highest form of response and that you’re already dancing to the tune your Puppet Master wants you to dance and yet you have no idea that you do.

Someone’s pulling and tugging at your strings and you continue to harbor the illusion that you’re as free as a bird.
Photo credit to the owner

No you’re not. You’ve just been given a bigger cage.

And this Unseen Hand is fierce in its protection of Leni Robredo.

Speak one word of criticism against her, and mighty forces will rain down on you. Not because they love her or believe in her abilities but because she serves a purpose: a most obedient pawn to her Puppet Master.
Photo credit to the owner

The Unseen Hand, because it has worked real well before, uses the same old formula.

With the attempted takedown of the President, they’ve tried to paint him as a berdugo. And all that’s needed were keywords: EJK, Martial Law, dictator, rapist. This, in the face of unprecedented progress of our country so that we’re now the 10th fastest growing economy in the world. This, in the face of progress that is nothing short of amazing.

With the attempted takedown of some of the President’s staunchest supporters, all that’s needed were the twisting of our words and the GRAND EFFORT to make labels stick to us: fake news, stupid, really an anti-Duterte spy, bully.
Photo credit to the owner

(What a strange land they inhabit, these Unthinking minions. A land where mere university professors and assistant secretaries are deemed powerful enough to bully the second, most powerful person in this country.)

I see the Unseen Hand quivering in fear as it desperately tries to reframe, reframe, reframe.

Don’t look at “Leni is the USA’s basurera, doing the dirty job of toppling this Presidency”—which was what I was clearly saying when I wrote “Uncle Sam’s Basurera”. And they’ve thrown buzzwords all over that serious issue to try to cover it up. Buzz words like : ‘reuse/reduce/recycle’ “Leni is simple/a sainted mother/a widow”, “frugal” and of course, ‘bully’.
Photo credit to the owner

No dudes, when we, mere mortals, take on the 2nd most powerful official of a country with the powerful USA backing her up, what we are are not bullies but Davids attempting to hit that Goliath between the eyes.

Even more sinister now is the attempted takedown of Prof Antonio Contreras of the DLSU for no other reason than because he spoke his mind about Leni Robredo—and in his usual incisive, erudite manner—complete with himaymay of the word ‘bully’.

What he said was “You only bully the weak.”—a statement of observation. Like “Sun shines only in the East.” It is the weak who only get bullied is what he CLEARLY meant.

And they’ve twisted his words to make his sentence seem like a sentence of command. So yung sentence nya, naging utos. “You only bully the weak.” As in, oh ha, mga bata, ang i-bully nyo lang yung mahihina. “Sun shines only in the East.” Hoy Araw! Sa East ka lang sumikat ha. Ganon.

If this were an inuman sa kanto, malakas ang tawanan natin sa katangahan ng kainuman natin. But it isn’t.

The Unseen Hand has far more nefarious plans—and it is to SILENCE the President’s defenders and to SILENCE Leni Robredo’s  critics.
Photo credit to the owner

And it is the takedown of this President.

They’ve stepped up their game so that steps have been taken to fire Professor Antonio Contreras–going as far as creating a petition for this to happen and how they’ve asked me to resign and how they’ve been taking down Facebook accounts of the President’s supporters one after another.

And the loudest accounts are ANONYMOUS accounts. And the infestation of trolls is ever-present.

Same old formula. I see it, clear as day.

The President is singular because he has taken on  what no other Philippine president has ever taken on and as a result, he has made such powerful, powerful enemies: the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy (not its flock), the moneyed LP, elitists and oligarchs, the USA, narcopoliticians, international drug cartels. And he is SERIOUS about our peace efforts—where other presidents paid mere lip service to it.

And this is where the Unseen Hand emanates.

The Unseen Hand doesn’t want us to have peace with our brothers and sisters from the Left, nor with our brothers and sisters in Muslim Mindanao. The Unseen Hand stands to lose the most with our country getting on high ground.
Photo credit to the owner

So it will try all it can—throwing billions even into destroying this President.

But first, it has to silence his defenders.

It has made one mistake though.

The Unseen Hand has forgotten the most important part of the equation in a democracy: the People. YOU.

There are millions of us who surround the President. There are millions of you who surround us who defend the President. And we stand shoulder-to-shoulder, kapit bisig, not letting go of the other in this fight to protect and defend our President.
Photo credit to the owner

This is why—despite the billions they have spent on trying to destroy this President, his numbers keep getting even better. His approval ratings just peaked despite all the shit thrown his way.

They have forgotten: HE HAS US. AND WE HAVE EACH OTHER.

We are seeing democracy in action and we stand at this proud moment in our country’s history when we are asked to defend our country and to give it our all.

My sword has long been unsheathed. And the fire inside me, I have taken out and I brandish this to keep the beasts at bay. I see you have done the same thing.

And may I just say what an honor it is to fight alongside you for country, my kababayan?


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