Thursday, August 1, 2019

Manila Mayor @IskoMoreno should serve as an example to “vice president” @LeniRobredo


Looks like Isko Moreno has been preparing for his stint as Manila City Mayor and started his term sprinting to success. I admire his patience waiting during the previous mayor’s corruption-riddled term even though he was probably cringing at the lack of progress while Vice Mayor.
Leni Robredo should learn from Moreno. While he was Vice Mayor, Moreno didn’t talk bad about then Mayor Joseph Estrada and didn’t try to steal his thunder. He waited patiently for his turn to implement his ideas. In contrast, Leni tries so hard to put current President Rodrigo Duterte down — as if she has better ideas.
It just goes to show that Robredo does not have the patience and foresight needed to be a great leader. She can’t even lead her own political party. The only reason she became popular is because the media helped push her profile up after her husband died tragically during Noynoy’s term
Why is it so hard to find public servants like Isko Moreno in the Philippines? It has become apparent that most public servants only want the perks and connections that come with the job like getting kickbacks from mafia groups who extort money from businesses instead of serving.
Until public servants in the Philippines become selfless like Isko Moreno, prioritise the interests of the public, and focus on results, majority of Filipinos will suffer in mediocrity.

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