
August 31, 2019
Saturday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time
Matthew 25:14-30
Jesus told his disciples this parable: "A man who was going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one -- to each according to his ability. Then he went away. Immediately the one who received five talents went and traded with them and made another five. Likewise, the one who received two made another two. But the man who received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried his master's money. After a long time, the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them. The one who had received five talents came forward bringing the additional five. He said, 'Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.' His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' Then the one who had received two talents also came forward and said, 'Master, you gave me two talents. See, I have made two more.' His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' Then the one who had received the one talent came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you were a demanding person, harvesting where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter; so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground. Here it is back.' His master said to him in reply, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So, you knew that I harvest where I did not plant and gather where I did not scatter? Should you not then have put my money in the bank so that I could have got it back with interest on my return? Now then! Take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten. For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And throw this useless servant into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.'"

Introductory Prayer: Lord, I come to you again in prayer. Even though I cannot see you, I know through faith that you are present in my life. I hope in your promise to be with me. I love you, and I know you love me. Accept this prayer as a token of my love.

Petition: Teach me, Lord, to take all that you have given me and make it produce fruit for your kingdom.

1. God’s Gifts: The Gospel tells us clearly that God distributes his gifts among us as he wills, and he entrusts each one of us with a mission. He gives us what we need to produce fruits for his kingdom, and he expects us to use those gifts responsibly and diligently. No two people are exactly alike, and God treats each one individually as a unique person made in his image. We need to live before God and respond to him sincerely by using to the maximum the talents he has given us. Are we making the best use of all that God has given us, or have we neglected some things and taken others for granted? Might we be committing a sin of omission with regards to some of our talents?

2. Life as a Mission: The servants who invest the talents and make a return on them have understood the purpose of their lives and the time they have at their disposal. These servants were generous with everything their master had given them, making it bear fruit, and they received from him the reward of greater intimacy and more responsibility. Each of us is also given a limited amount of time in life to use our various gifts to give glory to God and help save other souls. We too should work every day to hear those words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

3. The Useless Servant: How often we are paralyzed by fear or false prudence into doing nothing, into trying just to preserve ourselves! Sometimes we don’t take God’s gifts seriously or think we have been given very little, and we use that as a rationalization for making no effort or for producing little for God. We blame circumstances or others, but the fact is we are neglecting to produce the fruits God wants. The master didn’t expect a return of five talents from the servant to whom he gave only one. He would have been happy with a return of one more, but the lazy servant closed in on his egoism, self-love, and laziness. We must resolve to use our God-given talents wisely to net him a big return.

Conversation with Christ: Lord, give me the grace and love to work for your kingdom with all the talents that you have given me. Let me return them all to you with real fruits for your kingdom.

Resolution: I will make a plan for evangelizing other souls and look for fruits of holiness in others.

Our Daily Meditation is also available with audio:

Protecting Trannies but not Ugly Fat Dudes? What gives?

More than two weeks have passed since tranny Gretchen Diez has been catapulted to stardom (political and otherwise). The new darling and heroine of the LGBTQ+ community has even expressed the possibility of entering into the world of politics in order to push the agenda of her fellow LGBTQ+ members. There is nothing inherently wrong with gays, lesbos, trannies, queers or whatever sexual orientation one identifies with in running for public office. As long as they meet the minimum requirements defined by law, they do have the right to run in the elections. Yes, perhaps it is a good idea for Diez to run in order to raise awareness and promote equality towards trannies like herself. Perhaps this much talked about SOGIE bill(Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression) can even serve as something she can latch onto in order to further her political agenda. But what is this SOGIE bill and what is it really all about? Diez should be able to defend it well because if she doesn’t she might end up looking like Alma Moreno in that infamous awkward interview with Karen Davila.

Opposition senator Risa Hontiveros has been advocating for this SOGIE bill. Recently, her Facebook page posted a summary of what she calls “Facts vs Fake News” (please see below). She seems to be trying to water down a big criticism of the bill that has stubbornly stuck to it like shit on a shoe. Sen. Hontiveros calls out critics of the bill as using the “special rights card” and says that doing so is very dangerous. The question is – why is it dangerous? Doesn’t giving special rights to a particular group of people open the doors to the possibility of putting non-recipients of this “special rights” at a disadvantage? Doesn’t playing favorites with a particular class of people, in itself, a form of discrimination already?
Let us look into some of the claims made by Sen. Hontiveros’ Facebook post.
“It will not penalize people who practice religious freedom”. Oh? Okay, let us take the Masterpiece Cakeshop case in Colorado where the baker was sued for refusing to bake a cake for the wedding of a gay couple based on his religious beliefs. Under the SOGIE bill, the baker will be considered as having practiced a discriminatory act and will be subjected to penalties under the bill. The SOGIE bill does say:
While a baker could perform a service and provide a product such as wedding cakes for anyone, except for those whose gender identity expression is against the baker’s religious beliefs, the fact that he is implementing an exception because his religious beliefs do not embrace a gay couple’s gender identity expression can certainly put him under legal threat if the SOGIE bill were to apply in Colorado. Now granting that our laws do not allow same sex marriages yet, the principle can be applied to anything applicable to LGBTQ+ issues in the Philippines. For instance, can the UCC Shalom Center in Ermita refuse to provide a 3 hour short time room rental for a couple of gays in need to exercise their right to the “expression of their gender identities”? Under the SOGIE bill, if they refuse to rent out a room to anyone in the LGBTQ+ community because the UCC Shalom Center does not agree with their intended “expression” based on their religious beliefs, the center can be penalized.
Also, under the SOGIE bill boys who identify as girls may compete in sports under the girls category since the SOGIE bill will outlaw the prevention of a child from pursuing his or her interest based on his or her gender identity. The bill says that discriminatory acts cover:
Suppose that a biological male student athlete decides to compete in competitive sports for women like women’s basketball or swimming or boxing or even weight lifting. Under the SOGIE bill the refusal of allowing the student to compete in women’s category of any sports would be an act of discrimination. Wouldn’t this bill pave the way for putting girls at a disadvantage in competitive sports as males and females do have different physical attributes and in many cases, biological males actually do have an advantage over females? If playing competitive sports is in the best interest of a child because of the reward of, say, a scholarship or any other benefits such as monetary and other accolades, wouldn’t the SOGIE bill contribute to putting females at a disadvantage? By giving this special protection to trannies like Diez in something like competitive sports, how many biologically born girls would be deprived of scholarships or any other rewards?
Now if you have read this far and haven’t figured it out yet by now, yup! I am an asshole. Using terms like trannies and lesbos certainly qualify me as one according to many people especially those belonging to the LGBTQ+ community and the holier than thou sanctimonious liberals. Under the SOGIE bill, assholes who blurt out terms like trannies and lesbos may be prosecuted if some tranny or lesbo ever gets offended with my crass use of such terms. Why? Because the SOGIE bill says acts including the following are considered discriminatory:
Thing is, any dime a dozen liberal in this entitled snowflake generation may feel insulted, annoyed, and offended at a drop of a pen for any remarks that challenge, criticize or even joke about someone’s or a group’s gender identity. But since when has moral superiority trumped freedom of speech? I must have been busy watching Chicks with Dicks when they amended the Constitution striking out section 4 of the Bill of Rights that states: “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech,…”.
As an old, fat and bald dude, hell, I want to be protected too! Do you know how many times I’ve been ridiculed and discriminated against? So why the trannies and not ugly guys like me? Think about this, suppose a tranny walks into a bar and tries to strike up a small chit-chat with me. Suppose I tell the tranny that I think trannies are ugly. Sure, I may be an asshole for saying that but under section 4 of the Bill of Rights, unless they have changed it, I am within my right to say what I think. But under the SOGIE bill I would commit a discriminatory act because I offended the tranny based on her gender identity. So what really is the difference? Is it worse to offend somebody based on their gender identification than based on their physical appearance? So again, why give special protection to trannies and not ugly old fat dudes like me?
At the end of the day (yes, I’m using the most hated cliché here), I think giving special protection to another offended group of people may not be the best way to fight an injustice like discrimination. In fact, doing so is, in principle, a form of discrimination too! The SOGIE bill, in its current form, is not really about equality but providing special protection and rights. Strong advocates of the bill may be unwittingly contributing to the totalitarianism espoused by the liberal left. No one is trying to deny trannies their right to pursue what is in their interest but the government should not force others into sacrificing other people’s rights just for the special protection of an “offended” group of minority. If not through legislation, then what? How about the free market? You don’t like a baker who doesn’t bake wedding cakes for gay couples? Then don’t go to that bakeshop! You don’t like the Farmer’s Market Shopping Mall for not allowing trannies like Diez from using the female restroom? Go to another mall that allows it! Forcing one’s values on someone else rarely wins any brownie points. Forcing the approval of the SOGIE bill, in its current form, may very well end up hurting the LGBTQ+ cause as a result of public resentment.
(Top photo taken from

About Hector Gamboa

Calling a spade, a spade...

Friday, August 30, 2019

PCOO undersecretary: Robredo is mere puppet of Yellows


Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) undersecretary Lorraine Marie Badoy wrote how Vice President Leni Robredo is an empty vessel being filled and used by the Yellows to assume higher power.

All critics of Robredo are being silenced. Even La Salle professor Antonio Contreras was petitioned to be fired for allegedly speaking against her, although Badoy explains that Contreras’ statements were misunderstood.

The Vice President has been fed with ideas of extrajudicial killings, Marcos-era Martial Law, and dictatorship under President Rodrigo Duterte so she would issue statements that elicits support from the public.
Photo credit to the owner

The accounts that bully anti-Leni and pro-Duterte supporters are attacked by trolls and anonymous accounts which Badoy underlines as the “same old formula”.
Photo credit to the owner

Even when Duterte had forwarded policies and changes that no other president was able to achieve, the Yellows will still find a way to brand him as a tyrant or murderer.

The Yellows intervene with government efforts for peace negotiations and attempt ways to impeach Duterte so their “puppet” can sit in power and run the country in the way they want her to.

Robredo, on the other hand, has no mind to spot the deception and abuse done to her by her own camp, and how she is merely being used to accomplish their selfish interests.

Read her full article below:

"I see the Unseen Hand.

I didn’t used to. And even though I can see it now, I still continue to call it the Unseen Hand because I see too that this Unseen Hand has strings and those strings are attached to its puppets, the Unthinking. And they don’t see It.
Photo credit to the owner

And all the Unseen Hand has to do is point to the lone narra tree in the middle of a forest filled with trees—with mountains and a stream and birds flying about and 100 goats grazing in the field—and voila! Like magic, all the Unthinking will see is that one narra tree. It is as if the other trees, the mountains, the goats, the streams vanished into thin air and no longer exist.

All the Unthinking will see is what the Unseen Hand wants them to see.
Photo credit to the owner

The Unseen Hand shushes them when they attempt to let go of their fears and think for themselves. The Unthinking will throw buzz words at them: EJK! MARTIAL LAW! FERDINAND MARCOS!, and that is all the Unthinking needs to formulate what s/he thinks is his own opinion.

And isn’t the illusion of freedom the more dangerous enslavement than the enslavement that is clear as day?
Photo credit to the owner

Because you think “I’m real smart”, or “I’m a freedom fighter.” Or, “I fight for human rights, equal rights, etc” when in reality, all you are is a one-celled paramecium for whom knee jerk responses are your highest form of response and that you’re already dancing to the tune your Puppet Master wants you to dance and yet you have no idea that you do.

Someone’s pulling and tugging at your strings and you continue to harbor the illusion that you’re as free as a bird.
Photo credit to the owner

No you’re not. You’ve just been given a bigger cage.

And this Unseen Hand is fierce in its protection of Leni Robredo.

Speak one word of criticism against her, and mighty forces will rain down on you. Not because they love her or believe in her abilities but because she serves a purpose: a most obedient pawn to her Puppet Master.
Photo credit to the owner

The Unseen Hand, because it has worked real well before, uses the same old formula.

With the attempted takedown of the President, they’ve tried to paint him as a berdugo. And all that’s needed were keywords: EJK, Martial Law, dictator, rapist. This, in the face of unprecedented progress of our country so that we’re now the 10th fastest growing economy in the world. This, in the face of progress that is nothing short of amazing.

With the attempted takedown of some of the President’s staunchest supporters, all that’s needed were the twisting of our words and the GRAND EFFORT to make labels stick to us: fake news, stupid, really an anti-Duterte spy, bully.
Photo credit to the owner

(What a strange land they inhabit, these Unthinking minions. A land where mere university professors and assistant secretaries are deemed powerful enough to bully the second, most powerful person in this country.)

I see the Unseen Hand quivering in fear as it desperately tries to reframe, reframe, reframe.

Don’t look at “Leni is the USA’s basurera, doing the dirty job of toppling this Presidency”—which was what I was clearly saying when I wrote “Uncle Sam’s Basurera”. And they’ve thrown buzzwords all over that serious issue to try to cover it up. Buzz words like : ‘reuse/reduce/recycle’ “Leni is simple/a sainted mother/a widow”, “frugal” and of course, ‘bully’.
Photo credit to the owner

No dudes, when we, mere mortals, take on the 2nd most powerful official of a country with the powerful USA backing her up, what we are are not bullies but Davids attempting to hit that Goliath between the eyes.

Even more sinister now is the attempted takedown of Prof Antonio Contreras of the DLSU for no other reason than because he spoke his mind about Leni Robredo—and in his usual incisive, erudite manner—complete with himaymay of the word ‘bully’.

What he said was “You only bully the weak.”—a statement of observation. Like “Sun shines only in the East.” It is the weak who only get bullied is what he CLEARLY meant.

And they’ve twisted his words to make his sentence seem like a sentence of command. So yung sentence nya, naging utos. “You only bully the weak.” As in, oh ha, mga bata, ang i-bully nyo lang yung mahihina. “Sun shines only in the East.” Hoy Araw! Sa East ka lang sumikat ha. Ganon.

If this were an inuman sa kanto, malakas ang tawanan natin sa katangahan ng kainuman natin. But it isn’t.

The Unseen Hand has far more nefarious plans—and it is to SILENCE the President’s defenders and to SILENCE Leni Robredo’s  critics.
Photo credit to the owner

And it is the takedown of this President.

They’ve stepped up their game so that steps have been taken to fire Professor Antonio Contreras–going as far as creating a petition for this to happen and how they’ve asked me to resign and how they’ve been taking down Facebook accounts of the President’s supporters one after another.

And the loudest accounts are ANONYMOUS accounts. And the infestation of trolls is ever-present.

Same old formula. I see it, clear as day.

The President is singular because he has taken on  what no other Philippine president has ever taken on and as a result, he has made such powerful, powerful enemies: the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy (not its flock), the moneyed LP, elitists and oligarchs, the USA, narcopoliticians, international drug cartels. And he is SERIOUS about our peace efforts—where other presidents paid mere lip service to it.

And this is where the Unseen Hand emanates.

The Unseen Hand doesn’t want us to have peace with our brothers and sisters from the Left, nor with our brothers and sisters in Muslim Mindanao. The Unseen Hand stands to lose the most with our country getting on high ground.
Photo credit to the owner

So it will try all it can—throwing billions even into destroying this President.

But first, it has to silence his defenders.

It has made one mistake though.

The Unseen Hand has forgotten the most important part of the equation in a democracy: the People. YOU.

There are millions of us who surround the President. There are millions of you who surround us who defend the President. And we stand shoulder-to-shoulder, kapit bisig, not letting go of the other in this fight to protect and defend our President.
Photo credit to the owner

This is why—despite the billions they have spent on trying to destroy this President, his numbers keep getting even better. His approval ratings just peaked despite all the shit thrown his way.

They have forgotten: HE HAS US. AND WE HAVE EACH OTHER.

We are seeing democracy in action and we stand at this proud moment in our country’s history when we are asked to defend our country and to give it our all.

My sword has long been unsheathed. And the fire inside me, I have taken out and I brandish this to keep the beasts at bay. I see you have done the same thing.

And may I just say what an honor it is to fight alongside you for country, my kababayan?