Saturday, July 13, 2019

Time is running out! Who will lead the Opposition to 2022?


In Yellowtard years, 2022 is just around the corner. Time is running out and galloping ahead faster and faster. Indeed the more the Yellowtards fail to find a charismatic leader to lead them to electoral victory when current President Rodrigo Duterte’s term is up, the more time is wasted.
It is quite evident their “vice president” Leni Robredo is not up to the task. With every word she utters, she falls flat on her face. It’s amazing indeed that her face continues to exhibit human features considering she’s used it as a shoe so many times.
Their once shiny hope, Mar Roxas, is a complete washout. Duterte’s win in 2016 is squarely on him. He failed to win votes for the Yellowtards even taking into account the voters his pal former Commision on Elections (COMELEC) Andy Bautista cheated out of the Yellowtards’ opponents back then.
Who will be the next great Yellowtard “hero” who will follow in the footsteps of Ninoy and Cory? Kris Aquino, perhaps? Why not? Kris had legions of showbiz fans.
Time is running out. Tick tock tick tock, Yellowtards. Find a leader who is winnable in an election, or perish. Again.

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