Sunday, July 21, 2019

No, @KikoPangilinan. It’s not about who won the elections. It’s about who committed a CRIME


It seems Senator Kiko Pangilinan misses the whole point about what the Law is all about. In a recent tweet, Pangilinan argues that the government of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte should desist from pursuing sedition charges against his pals because they already lost the elections!
Here is the tweet translated to English…
“The [2019] elections are already finished. You [administration bets] already won big time, right? So why go after and try to jail us [in the Opposition] who did not succeed in that election as well as those who supported us? Even priests and bishops involved were not cut a bit of slack.”
Seriously Senator Pangilinan? An officer of the law — a legislator, no less — appealing to the government for exemption from the teeth of the law because the accused lost an election?

Kiko Pangilinan, a Philippine senator, lost the plot!

See, the election has nothing to do with the sedition charges being filed against “vice president” Leni Robredo, those clergymen, and their alleged cohorts. This is about what is being alleged they had done in violation of Philippine law.
Pangilinan should be setting a better example to his countrymen. He should turn his back to these old nefarious habits that had made Filipinos renowned for being laid back about law enforcement. He should respect the law and not try to work around it by using such superfluous appeals.

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