Friday, July 12, 2019

Ezra Levant: Left-wing billionaire Pierre Omidyar is funding Media Freedom Conference


Thanks for having him expose how left-wing billionaire Pierre Omidyar is funding Media Freedom Conference
Totoo eto mga friends, ladies and countrymen: Sinunog ni Ezra si Maria Ressa sa conference na eto.

Let me give you the transcript of their conversation: UPLOADED ON YOU TUBE ON JULY 10, 2019

Ezra was talking to the host/interviewer (Nishant Lalwani- Director of Luminati Group) and his interviewees (company executives of companies owned by Omidyar and this included Maria Ressa of Rappler):

Here's the start of the CONVERSATION:

I'm EZRA LEVANT from Canada. Mr. Lalwani, I enjoyed your anecdote about Rupert Murdoch and his octopus like influence.

EZRA'S questions were: 

(1) But how do you square that with the fact that you work for PIERRE OMIDYAR? (Pierre Omidyar is the Silicon Valley billionaire who owned a front group called LUMINATE!)

He (referring to Pierre Omidyar) is a billionaire, a media tycoon who is very partisan. He stakes in the Intercept (based in Brazil), the Bulwark (based in United States), and in they (referring to the group of Maria Ressa) are great leads but holy cow is he ever BIAS and you are interviewing companies that basically he owns!

The reason, she (referring to Maria Ressa) got in trouble is because she is a foreign owner and the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in the Philippines said "you can't do that" so

(2) I wanna know how you (referring to the interviewer or the host of the show) square being the front man for a left wing Rupert Murdoch? and frankly,

(3) How do you manage to direct a non partisan government conference with the U.K. and Canada?

I mean, Really, you're just a mirror image of Rupert Murdoch. You seem a nice guy (referring to the interviewee) but I would not trust a conference of Rupert Murdoch architected.

(4) Why should we trust anything run by your billionaire tycoon, PAYMASTER?

Well, I'm sure, he is a nice guy but no one here is not on your (meaning Pierre Omidyar's) payroll and I think you shaped a lot of these commentaries to support your bosses' desires. It's weird to me. - This is EZRA's starter before the interviewer and Maria Ressa butted in.

NISHANT LAWLANI: No one in here is in payroll.

EZRA LEVANT: Well, we just heard that they were.

NISHANT LAWLANI: We gave some money to Rappler

MARIA RESSA: We never responded to that. I'll fit that one out coz' I'm gonna use you (referring to EZRA) as the proxy defending president Duterte. So....!

EZRA LEVANT: Don't do, don't do that. I'm not a proxy for Duterte.

MARIA RESSA: No, I'm just telling you because I think this kind of simplification is dangerous. It makes all of us powerful. Number 1, the SEC, we're not foreign owned. I started a start. I took investors in it. They can have 10 million bills and they can come from rainbow colors. I don't much care. I have parameters for these investors. Those parameters did a share of disagreement that makes us, actually me, the one in control; puts me in control, the investors knowing that.
EZRA LEVANT: The SEC disagreed with you.

MARIA RESSA: Actually, though coz we're still, we are actually winning. The court of appeals told us to move forward.

EZRA LEVANT: Omidyar gave up his stocks.

MARIA RESSA: Now, let me finish, coz' it is my turn and they have to give you your time, right?

EZRA: LEVANT: Actually my question is for Mr. Lawlani though.

MARIA RESSA: After, let us take a look at how much. Let us take a look at the full range of investments. There's OMIDYAR pouring four and half a million dollars ($4.5M)of investment that went into Rappler. Only $4.5M! 

EZRA LEVANT: Only ha! Only.

MARIA RESSA: Only. We've been able, that's 7 years of actually being able to do hard hitting investment . Of that, probably less than 5%.

EZRA LEVANT: You're defending your boss

MARIA RESS: I will give you for him.

EZRA LEVANT: (already mumbling coz they prevented him from interrupting)

MARIA RESSA: You challenge something that is important to us.

EZRA LEVANT: I did not ask you question with all due respect.

NISHANT LAWLANI (has to interrupt the verbal tussle between Ezra Levant and Maria Ressa): I will give you time to respond.

MARIA RESSA: So I will just play it in the end for the.... We had a law firm that actually created. That's the difference between your world and my world.I'm very careful about my words and ...(at this point, i kind of lost Maria Ressa in her exposition)

AZRA LEVANT was at the United Kingdom media freedom conference that appears to be anything but an Orwellian gathering of the Canadian and British government who were both engaging in massive censorship of social media. But they're gonna swamp it with celebrities like Amal Clooney pretending they believe in civil liberties.

"Orwellian" is an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society.

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