Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Why Teddy Locsin was right when he called Leni Robredo “BOBA”

Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Terry Locsin recently called “vice president” Leni Robredo boba.
“Will someone please do her the kindness to give her a brain? Here I am trying to do what’s right, which is to restrict diplomatic passports to real existing working diplomats so as not to devalue them abroad—and not pass them out as favors to retirees and friends,” Locsin said.
“Hey boba, that is precisely why I have ordered the cancellation of all courtesy diplomatic passports because I refuse to single out Del Rosario,” Locsin said in a tweet reacting to a news report on Robredo’s comments.
Some say Locsin was being “disrespectful” while others say he was right on the money.
Robredo, after all, comes across as really dumb for commenting on every issue and seeing it as an offence against anyone she thinks is being “persecuted” by the Duterte government. Her bias against Duterte compels her to always be on the defensive. She doesn’t think before speaking. She should mind her own business.
Now her followers are up in arms at the remarks Foreign Affairs Secretary Terry Locsin made about her. By calling her the Tagalog equivalent of “dimwit”, Locsin merely pointed out that Robredo shouldn’t be chiming in on things she knows very little about.
The “vice president” doesn’t learn from her previous gaffes because she only listens to her followers. She doesn’t reflect on what her critics are saying. She’s a female version of former President Noynoy Aquino. Members of the Cabinet were all appointed to do a job. She should focus on doing hers.


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