Sunday, June 23, 2019

China does not owe former Ambassador Albert del Rosario any explanation for ANYTHING.

What’s all the fuss about Albert del Rosario’s detention in and deportation from Hong Kong? There is no basis for asserting that one has any “right” to be allowed entry into another country. Whatever kind of passport you hold only bears a message from the issuing state that border agents of the other state consider allowing their citizen passage.
Do get a load of this one though…
Del Rosario also said they demanded from the Hong Kong immigration authorities to give him a “rational explanation” on why he was held.
Tough shit gramps. A government reserves the right to refuse entry to an alien for whatever reason it deems pertinent and owes no foreign agent or government any explanation. Perhaps del Rosario has not experienced what many Filipinos go through applying for a visa to, say, the United States and most other First World countries. A consul is authorised to deny any application and is under no obligation to explain said denial.

Not worth the paper it is printed on: Former Ambassador Albert del Rosario shows evidence of his ‘right’ to be allowed entry into Chinese territory.

Suck it up. Filipinos are Filipinos in the eyes of border agents and immigration officers considering one’s entry into their country. Nobody is special.

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