Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Liberal Party Faithful Are Weeping and Gnashing Their Teeth

May 22, 2019 - by Gogs - 7 Comments.
” Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Matthew 22:13
What is ironic about that Bible quote in the context of May 2019 is that if the Liberal Party heeded the advice of the first part of the verse, they would have stood a chance of not living out the second part of the verse. What is also ironic is that the prophecy of Azor Ahai in the recently concluded Game of Thrones proved to be a red herring.
Liberals, Yellows, Otsos, Woke Walkers, whatever you call yourselves now. Weep more and gnash more of your Chel Diokno teeth. Nobody attended your rallies and protests yet you complain you were cheated.You fabricated and circulated the fake news to discredit your opponent and you never owned up to it. You let some LP fanboy take the fall since you are all cowards. You do more in secret   than you ever do in public. Otherwise you would have more to brag about in your campaigns.

They can’t even get a picture right . Source : Rappler . Even their pics are fake.

Basis of Strategy:
1) The Threats and Opportunities to the Industry.
2) The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Company.
3) Personal Values of the Key Implementers.
4) Broader Societal Expectations.
I will start with point #4 since we are talking about a recently concluded election. The votes come from society so it would be prudent to be aware of broader societal expectations. In 2016 you lost your grip on power for a reason. 2019 simply proves that you did not heed any lesson from the 2016 so you truly deserve zero presence in the Senate. You followed the Rappler method of looking at the world: Everything about Duterte is bad and everything about Noynoy is flawless. Duterte emerged in 2016 as the anti Noynoy without having to declare it.

If you attack somebody non stop for 3 years maybe some of that time would have been better spent , you know doing something?

Broader societal expectations went from electing a president in 2010 whose only claim to the Iron Throne was that his mother died to disposing him and all his bannermen in 2016 and 2019. Just because Rappler has been consistent with their view on the world does not mean the world is the way they present it within the confines of their url.
Personal Values of the Key Implementers. Once again, funny how their values conveniently coincide with Rappler’s editorial values. Editorial values that find their way in their reporting. According to this columnist, Rappler has been paid in the past to parrot the political views of the Liberal Party. If you doubt his claim then why hasn’t Rappler sued the author the way Rappler themselves were sued by businessman Wilfredo Keng in February  of this year? Its funny how their first defense on why the charge won’t stick is the story originally came out four months before the law came into effect. A better excuse would have been ” the story is true”. Then again this is Rappler, a media outlet who claims not to be a media company.     I don’t understand people who look down on Fox News yet love Rappler. Fox News at least has been around long before Trump became president. Rappler came in a year and a half into Noynoy’s term and has been slobbering on him ever since.  Take this  time they tried to influence the outcome of Corona’s impeachment trial despite being the new kid on the block. 

Since we are on the topic of Gospels. Good to know while campaigning , one of the Otso heard some gospels for the first time.

We have established that there is no difference between the gospel of the Liberal Party and the gospel according to Rappler. Their personal values are identical.  The personification of their values rests in their chosen President who sat on the Iron Throne from 2010-2016. Neither Rappler nor the Liberal party nor the Otso have ever publicly attacked him but they publicly attack anything and anybody else who does not bend the knee to yellow values. So what they are telling you is that they value that he has done little with his adult life by the age of 50. They are telling you they value his hollow track record in Congress and in the Senate and his actions or inaction in issues like DAP, the Corona Impeachment, Dengvaxia, Mamsapano and his role in placing someone in COMELEC that had to be impeached and is in hiding. They value his “reputation ” enough that he campaigned for them.

Rappler will never accuse their golden boy of any wrong doing so they let Marcos do it

Anyboy who says “stand down” when our armed forces are pinned down deserves to be labelled the Mad King. Rappler responds to this issue in the usual Rappler/ Liberal party style. They made it about Marcos.  We can argue who said what but we can not argue the rest of the military were not ordered to come in and save the day that January morning . We also can not argue that four years later there is as much accountability as there is hair on Noynoy’s head. I also see no such lawsuits suing The Manila Times for the headline ” PNoy ordered AFP, SAF to stand down” . Feb 5 2015.  What I did see was the Liberals doubling down on their precious president. 

Andy Bautista copy cat crime?

I once wrote about the cheating in the 2016 election and the ramifications from it three years later.  In it you can read about undeclared cash, missing officials, deadbeat dads, drenched ballot boxes. If I can add one thing that we know now that we did not know then it’s that Leni must be a product of cheating. None of the senatorial candidates she endorsed got in. She supposedly has credibility with the people and not just yellows yet not one of her babies made the cut?? Andy Bautista must have been really worth the money back in May of 2016.
The Yellows would have done better if they ” cast him into outer darkness” when they had the chance. Reminds  me of another quote I will paraphrase from the Bible:
He who has not sinned must be Noynoy Aquino.
Nope , they are not as “woke” as they claim to be. They ( Rappler, Otso )  are blind to the sins of their poster boy and believed that many do not see what they refuse to acknowledge. That is not woke that is just dumb.  One more thing :

About Gogs

Putting a very sharp needle into the balloon known as Pinoy Pride since 2012.

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