Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Former Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales was STUPID to attempt travel into Chinese territory

May 22, 2019 by ilda

It was plain stupid of former Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales to enter Chinese territory after criticising China heavily and even going as far as filing a case against President XI Jinping before the International Criminal Court (ICC). If she really hates China and how it is run, why does she want to spend her holidays there?
What do you expect the Philippine Government to do, force China to allow Morales to enter Hong Kong? But that is exactly what some people are calling for…
But the Philippines also has a rule against foreign activists who speak ill of the govt. Remember how Sister Patricia Fox got deported after engaging in illegal activist activities? Why should China treat Morales any different? Morales is considered a threat to China after she filed a case against Pres Xi Jinping.
This incident proves all Yellows from the low ranking foot soldiers to the top generals are not very smart. Carpio-Morales is one of those yellows who despise China but can’t stop going to HongKong, eating Chinese food and buying products made in China. Carpio-Morales must be feeling humiliated. That’s what she needs – humble pie. China should take note of all anti-China advocates from the Yellow crowd and ban them from entering their territories.

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