Friday, March 1, 2019

“Investigative journalist” Raissa Robles’s puny attempt to challenge Bobi Tiglao on Martial Law matters

October 28, 2018 by benign0

Yellowtard “investigative journalist” Raissa Robles finally went there. She is challenging Manila Times columnist Bobi Tiglao to explain why he hasn’t filed charges against his own torturers during his imprisonment in the 1970s.

Bobie [sic] Tiglao blames human rights victims for not filing cases against their abusers. He should ask himsrlf first – why did he not file a case right after martial law against his torturer? Takot much?
Tiglao who has has written at length of his own membership in the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and his own experience being incarcerated on charges of being so.

What Robles should be doing if she were a true journalist is to step back from this infantile personal attack and ask the more important question:

Why did the Cory Aquino government, then successive governments after that, allow Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos to go free despite being the key architects and implementors of Martial Law?

People like Robles can pick on people like Tiglao and quibble over their record of dealing with the “Martial Law Years”. But as long as the big question of why no less than two Aquino presidents handled the living architects of Martial Law with kids’ gloves remains unanswered, they will all come across as mere hypocrites.

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