Tuesday, February 5, 2019

New York Times: Philippines is the ‘most corrupt’ country in Asia

This article about corruption in the Philippines, first published on August 15, 2015, has been withdrawn by PLN due to questions about its accuracy.
For more up-to-date information about levels of corruption in the Philippines click here to read the findings of the most recently published Global Perception Index. This annual review is compiled by the global organisation Transparency International (TI). In its 2017 index (the most recent available) it placed the Philippines at 111 out of 180 countries worldwide.
Since its inception in 1993, TI has been an independent organisation dedicated to combating corruption across the world. Its headquarters are in Berlin, Germany, and it has chapters in more than 100 countries.
The index uses a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt, and 100 is very clean. The Philippines scored 34 out of 100.
This was a drop from its 35 point score in 2016, when it ranked 101st out of 176 countries.
The 2018 index is due to be published next month (February).
We also reported last year how the Office of the US Trade Representative said corruption remained a “major headache” when doing trade with the Philippines.
In its 2018 National Trade Estimate Report of Foreign Trade Barriers, the USTR said corruption remains a “pervasive” issue in the Philippines. It added that the US would continue to urge the country to improve matters.
“National and local government agencies, particularly Bureau of Customs, are beset with various corruption issues,” the USTR’s report said.
As it also did last year, the USTR highlighted concerns expressed by investors about “the propensity of Philippine courts and regulators to stray beyond matters of legal interpretation into policymaking, as well as the lack of transparency in judicial and regulatory processes”.
“Investors have also raised concerns about courts being influenced by bribery and improperly issuing temporary restraining orders to impede legitimate commerce,” the report said.

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