Saturday, January 19, 2019


By Jose Alejandrino

Last May 2016 Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency by 16.6 million votes. His closest rival Mar Roxas obtained 10 million votes. Duterte was elected on a platform of change.

Barely had he assumed office, the liberals plotted to unseat him and replace him with Leni Robredo, the presumptive vice-president. The liberals who claim to adhere to democracy were actually plotting to unseat a democratically-elected president by a vice-president whose own position was being contested on ground of electoral fraud.

Some of Duterte's critics claim he only won a plurality of votes and not an absolute majority to assert his legitimacy. They conveniently forget that in a democratic system a plurality of votes is sufficient to be elected president. It didn't matter whether Duterte did not obtain an absolute majority. When FVR was elected by a plurality of 23.58% of the total votes cast, did these same liberals question FVR's right to be president. No, simply because they did not view FVR as a threat. In Duterte's case he posed a threat to the ruling establishment because of his platform of change. Narco-politicians and narco-generals were in bed with druglords and Duterte was determined to throw them out of bed.

In the case of leftists, Duterte went out of his way to offer the olive branch to Joma Sison and the NDF to have peace by giving them a number of Cabinet positions. How did the communists reciprocate? By killing our soldiers and police and by plotting with liberals to topple Duterte. Naturally, the Left didn't mind because they never believed in democracy in the first place. It was just a stratagem to attain power.

All this time, Duterte remained patient. He could have simply abrogated the 1987 Constitution, which Mar Roxas claimed was a simple "piece of paper," and proclaimed a revolutionary government as Cory Aquino did. But no, Duterte still believed in following the Constitution while his enemies were plotting to get rid of him despite the Constitution. The man whom his critics called a dictator was following the Constitution while those who professed to adhere to the Constitution were ipso facto doing the contrary.

This is the hypocrisy of the so-called liberals. When it is politically convenient, they hide behind the Constitution. When it is not convenient, they ignore it. As Mar Roxas implied, it was a useless piece of paper.

How do you deal with such hypocrisy? If Duterte's critics are not happy with him, they can leave the country. Of course, they won't because they see the Philippines as their milking cow. Where in the world can they find another country and behave the way they do here and still collect their salary, allowances, and pork barrel?

These liberal and left-wing party list members of Congress robbed and raped our country. But we are a nice and forgiving people. So we continue to spoil them. One thing nice about a dictatorship is those who are not happy with Duterte can be deported to some nice forsaken place where they will be happier. Just cancel their passports and boot those hypocrites out. Then our country would be a wonderful world.

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