Sunday, December 16, 2018


By Jose Alejandrino

In previous postings, I gave my list of 10 candidates whom I support for the 2019 Senate race. I left two slots open. 

Glenn Chong is now my 11th candidate to get into the Magic Twelve.

The murder of his aide and bodyguard Richard Santillan I am convinced was a rubout by rogue cops acting on the orders of narco-generals who financed electoral fraud at the May 2016 elections. Glenn had touched a raw nerve by his expose. He was hitting too close to home. As I said before, if his expose had no basis, why would they want to eliminate or frighten him? Their brutal murder of his aide I saw as a mere confirmation of the massive electoral fraud which had occurred and which they wanted covered up.

I fully support Glenn Chong's crusade to clean up our electoral system. The sanctity of the ballot to me is primordial. Corrupt politicians plundered our national treasury for which no-one has gone to jail. Voters were deprived of their votes by electoral fraud and electoral protest has not been resolved until now by PET making a total mockery of our democratic system. This dual plunder is at the heart of the ills in this country.

What surprises me is the total silence from politicians and mainstream media by which the murder of Richard Santillan was greeted. Only Glenn Chong and some brave netizens aired their disgust. It was as if everyone was paralyzed by fear.  Again, it is a symptom of what is wrong in this country. Most talk but when it comes to doing something, they hide under the bed. Where are protests from the politicians and candidates running for office? Where are protests from Chito Gascon and human rights activists? Where are protests from so-called do-gooders like Leni Robredo and Risa Hontiveros who love to talk and talk? Their silence demonstrates their hypocrisy.

In Europe we are seeing people protesting against the established order. They are going out to the streets and battling police despite being teargassed and clubbed with batons. They are doing something more than talk to bring change. In this country all people do is yak-yak. Too many cowards. It is why the country won't change and why it will perish come end times. We doomed ourselves by our own hypocrisy and cowardice. We are only good when it comes to beauty contests.

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