Monday, November 12, 2018

How can one trust the reporting of Rappler when reporters like @margadeona are already biased before the fact?


This, coming from a Rappler “multimedia producer” Marga Deona who tweets
whenever you feel like your job is a dud, remember that mine requires me to watch duterte (at least) thrice. first, the live broadcast. second, to scrub for soundbites for relevant/related stories. third, the final preview before publishing.
You wonder, then, how someone who applies such astounding contempt to producing news content that is meant to inform does her job. Producing news and information content requires that minds be open to all story angles. Attitudes like this (made public at that) are unbecoming of a senior news professional.
Deona does her organisation a disservice by highlighting a disturbingly slanted mind applied to her craft. News journalists should (at least in public) exhibit a leveled and detached persona as applied to the service they deliver to their audience.
It’s no wonder Rappler continues to fail to achieve broad credibility. They need to reevaluate the culture they breed within their organisation and the perverse sort of “guidance” they provide to their young professionals.

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