Saturday, October 13, 2018

Philippine’s Election at the UN Human Rights Council: A Fatal Blow to the Global Campaign Against the Duterte Administration

By Jun Avelino

Ouch! This is bad news…. Terrible news for the Anti Dutertards who have been working their arse off at the global community to destroy the image of Duterte whom they painted as a human rights violator for the reported Extra Judicial Killings (EJKs) perpetrated against the Filipino people as a result of his Drug War campaign. Their massive propaganda has been centered on trying to bombard the international community with barrage of venomous lies and derogatory information to isolate the Philippines from the United Nations and hoping that by doing so, the Filipino will turn their back against President Duterte.

Obviously, the election of the Philippines as a member of the UN Human Rights Council is a rebuke if not a wallop against the ugly faces of those who continue to destroy the country’s image before the world. The world community has spoken and has rejected all these lies. Our seat at the UN HRC is our clean bill of health handed by the UN community that Philippines has an unblemished record insofar as human rights are concerned. In fact, it is an affirmation that this country is a champion in the promotion and protection of human rights. Henceforth, all arguments put forth by the Anti Dutertards before the global stage on the dismal human rights records of our country can be considered as filthy trash. Take on the following:

That the systematic and synchronized campaign of the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International in cahoots with their local minions against Digong before the world can now be declared as nothing but lies in so far as the world community is concerned. They campaigned against Philippine membership thereon. The fact that we won, UN doesn’t believe these paid mad dogs whose existence is primarily motivated by money!

That The video message delivered by VP Robredo before a UN body on the reported EJKs in the Philippines can now be considered as a shameful act of black propaganda with malicious political motivation to discredit the Philippine government before the global stage. Now it can be told that the world community has rejected the VP’s malevolent assertions. What a shame!

That the massive global campaign initiated by our own Commission on Human Rights led by its Chairman, Chito Gascon, who is an LP Stalwart, does not sit well with the UN community and that the election of the Philippines to the UNHRC is a way of telling Gascon that he is one sh_it head whose credibility is as dubious as his masculinity.

That the infamous UN Rapporteur Agnes Callamard and all other UN Rapporteurs who submitted reports derogatory to the human rights records of our country before the UN are all liars as far as the UN community is concerned.

That all the bad mouthing of the former Chairman of the UN Human Rights Council, Zeid Raad Al Hussein against Duterte, is not reflective of the sentiments of the world community for Philippines was elected as a member of the HRC he is headings and his butt is now out of the council (replaced) for being a pain in the ass of the UN!

That all the rounds of campaigns in the US, Europe and other countries by Trillanes, Robles and all other Anti Dutertards have come to naught because the world community has spoken and they chose to believe in Duterte;

That the hyped media and global mainstream broadsheets propaganda against the human rights records of Duterte has failed to convince the global community on the veracity of their black propaganda.

And the excruciating pain of them all is the impact of this development to the case filed by the Anti Dutertards before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Duterte and his administration. How would you think the ICC gather some nerve to decide in proceeding to the next level of the case which is to investigate (from the examination level) the accusations against Duterte when the world (UN Community) has rejected all accusations leveled against him? – Sanamagan!

As the website of the UN Human Rights Council puts it:

“The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year.”…/HRBodies/HRC/Pages/AboutCouncil.aspx

If the world believes on the aforementioned narratives of the Anti Dutertards in their campaign against Duterte, no country will vote for the Philippines to become a member of the 47 members-states UN Human Rights Council to promote and protect human rights all over the world. But for fuck sake, 165 members out of 193 present during the election voted for the Philippines as a champion of global human rights promotion and protection. Of course, there was no vote against the Philippines on record.

This is truly a bloody double infamy for the Anti Dutertards. On the domestic side, we just buried the Red October Oust-Duterte-plot for lack of support from the AFP, PNP and more importantly from the Filipino people. Now, we are mourning on the death of the global campaign against Duterte for his human rights records. The world community has just upheld the country’s resolve and dedication to promote human rights both domestically and globally with our membership to the UN Human Rights Council.

We thank Digong for once again, successfully catapulting this country to the global stage, this time in the field of human rights. We should also acknowledge the efforts of Sec. Alan Cayetano of the DFA and Amb. Teddy Boy Locsin of the UN for flawlessly protecting our image and interest before the global stage along with their Foreign Service staff. As a Foreign Service graduate myself who failed to practice my profession (my MSU professors will curse me for that), I envy you folks. Yours is one hell of a job. And more importantly, the Filipino people who stood by the President in protecting the human rights of all law abiding citizens of our country and in fighting against the destabilizers, the enemies of the states and all other antagonists who wish our country ill, this victory calls for a celebration.

For the Anti Dutertards, the LP, the Oligarchs, the extreme leftists (CPP/NPA/NDF) and all its legal fronts, the drug lords, the religious, and all those who wanted to keep the status quo including those who hate Duterte by reason of insanity (which we ought to respect), let these developments be the end of all your Shenanigans globally and domestically. You have done enough damage to the country by striking a deal with the evil forces to get Digong out with no success. The world has spoken and the community of nations has rejected your lies. The Filipino people have trashed all your idiotic narratives with their continued support to Duterte. The country needs to move forward and if you continue to play the villain, it’s about time for you to be true to yourself. Use your middle finger and ram it through your filthy ass, grind it, titillate yourself of it, pull it off, and suck it up with your yellowish conviction and enjoy the feeling of being an idiot while looking at yourself at the mirror licking your middle finger! This country is fed up with morons like you… Shame on you! – Jun Avelino

(Please share if you like – Jun Avelino)

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