Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Opposition Yellow narrative again proven a LIABILITY after failed #NeverAgain rally and 2019 election winnables shock

The names topping the list of potential “senatoriables” for the 2019 elections released by Pulse Asia recently shows just how ineffective the Philippine Opposition has been at converting voters to their “cause”. Led by the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtards) the Opposition has focused on inciting sedition through street rallies, demonisation campaigns, and shoddy hijacking of historical narratives rather than on crafting a viable election winning strategy underpinned by a compelling vision for Filipinos to hang on to.
Most interesting of all, six of the top ten most “winnable” candidates are women. This too throws pie in the face of the Yellowtards who claim ownership over the Philippines’ “feminist” movement which they slapped with their hashtag #BabaeAko (“I Am Woman”). This further tests just how consistent and coherent their ideological framework is considering they have so far exhibited a track record of taking laughable self-contradictory positions over many years of pushing their emotionally-laden poltical narrative of “heroes” and “martyrs”.
Not surprisingly, most of the names on this latest “winnable” list are those of people inconvenient to the Yellowtard agenda.
The information delivered from the ground and from third-party disinterested observers provides a reality check to the chatter within the Yellowtards’ vacuous social media echo chambers. The shrillness of their chatter and the generous mutual assurance and back-patting the Yellowtards give each other within their cliques masks a reality that is all but too “inconvenient” for their addled minds to come to terms with. It also highlights their failure to understand what they are up against as evidenced by their stubborn cling to an obsolete narrative of “tyranny” and “dictatorship” fear mongering that they pepper their rhetoric with.
The Philippine Opposition is severely crippled by their continued beholdenness to the Yellowtard way. Under this brain-dead leadership, they have failed to read the writings on the wall, failed to take on board alternative information, failed to clearly evaluate the facts, failed to reflect, and failed to evolve.
One wonders then when the Opposition will finally get it. The 2019 elections are just around the corner and whether they screech bloody epal or not, politicians are ramping up their campaigns.
The call to action is simple.
Ditch the Yellowtards.
Really, it can’t be any simpler than that. They are way past their expiry date. It’s about time they are expired from Philippine politics so that Filipinos can finally move on.

About benign0

benign0 is the Webmaster of GetRealPhilippines.com.

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