Saturday, February 10, 2018

Why Hunza People Live To 120 Years, Never Get Sick And Don’t Know About Cancer, This Is Their Secret

Hunza people or hunzas are a tiny population who live in the Northern part of India. Hunzas are believed to be the healthiest, longest-living, happiest people  on the Earth and only ones that are cancer free. They usually bath in cold water and give birth to babies at the an amazing age of 65.
British surgeon Dr Robert McCarrison. Writing in the AMA Journal he reported:
“The Hunza has no known incidence of cancer. They have an abundant crop of apricots. These they dry in the sun and use largely in their food”.
They don’t consume imported foods and they grow and harvest their own food. Hunzas always consume raw fruits and vegetables, dried apricots, nuts, different cereals like buckwheat, millet and barley, milk, eggs, legumes and rarely cheese and they never eat snacks. The Hunza people eat a little and walk all day.
As a tradition, Hunza people don’t eat anything for a period of 2 to 4 months. At that period, they only drink juice of dried apricot. The Hunza people are fasting in the period when the fruits are not ripe for harvest.
Medical experts are claiming that this fasting period and their diet is crucial to why they live long and have a healthy life. It is believed that the high amounts of apricots are the reason why they don’t suffer from tumor and/or cancer. Apricots seeds contain vitamin B-17 compound which is known and powerful anti-cancer agent.
It is rumored that some Hunza people lived up to 150 years. Because of the healthy lifestyle and healthy diets they always look younger and their women can give birth at age of 65.
Story published in 1984 covered the arrival of Said Abdul Mbundu in London. Man from the Hunza people who’ve arrived in London and amazed the security officers at the airport when he showed him his papers stating that he was born in 1832.

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