Tuesday, December 19, 2017

DEC 18 Poor people in the Philippines seem to prefer poverty about aspiring to be not poor

Sadly, a MAJORITY of the poor people here are bad people. That is WHY they are poor.They disrespect others, they disrespect themselves, and they disrespect God's creation. Exactly how do they think they'll be rewarded for that? If you genuinely had empathy, you would be able to get inside their heads and understand why they do these things, and perhaps know how to fix it. However, you are confusing "empathy" with "sympathy".

I have yet to meet a poor person who actually WANTS to do the things necessary to escape poverty. The funny thing is, everyone can see that I'm more successful than they are. They think this is because I'm "rich". I'm sure a lot of them are full of jealousy and I'm sure that foreigner is so rich and I'm so poor. I guess it's OK if I steal his stuff ".Which they do. Regularly.

I grew up poor. I know how it feels to be hungry, all the time, every day. I did not like feeling like that. I'm successful because I work hard all day, I read books to find things more efficiently, and I do not sit around watching and drinking dumbass nonsense on TV. I'm not interested in explaining this to anybody, because if they can not figure it out from me. 

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