Monday, October 30, 2017

Some claims from Trillanes mouth:

By Dan Jimenez

1. The House of representative has always been the president's rubber stamp. The present senate due to Duterte's political vindictiveness has become one, too. This guaranteed Duterte's impunity and his minions. 
2. De Lima was jailed due to Duterte's perversion of the justice system and fabricated charges. This was to get back at her for her Davao death squad investigations on Duterte (which came up with nothing) and to "send chills down the spine of the opposition" (WOW, Ice-ice baby!) 
3. Duterte's foul mouth gets the masses into a fanatical frenzy while the enlightened few find such utterly offensive. 
4. There is a well funded, well organized social media propaganda machine working in Duterte's behalf. 
5. In just 16 months, Duterte has weakened all democratic institutions and has almost total control of all sectors of Philippine society. 
6. Duterte is a master of "populism" that is why the people see him doing nothing wrong. He is like a magician who with a sleight of the hand, fools the people. 
7. Trillanes asks, how do we get out of this mess? He is temped to say "revolution". No, he has already graduated from that. "truth", he says. 
8. Duterte is an evil man. 

My comments follow: 

1. Trillanes just disrespected and undermined the institutions that he belongs. It maybe time for him to leave. 
2. De Lima is in jail because of her drug crimes. Duterte did not go to jail because De Lima came up with nothing. 
3. Enlightened few? The hypocrites, the blue-bloods, those born with bloodied silver spoons, those whose morality is unassailable find fault in a filthy mouth. Not with those who rape, exploit, kill, steal, enslave, corrupt and over all defy what the Holy book teaches. Because the enlightened is the infallible class. 
4. No. Nobody can afford all those who write what they see as Duterte's good deeds. They are not for sale in the first place. 
5. In just 16 months, Duterte made Filipinos believe in themselves. That they are no longer the world's slaves. 
6. Populism as defined by the dictionary is "the quality of appealing to or being aimed at ordinary people." Duterte is a populist according to Trillanes. So WTF is wrong with that? 
7. The hotel putschist is proud of his "revolution". It may be time to for him to relive the consequences of his misadventure. 
8. If Duterte is an evil man, then 80% of Filipinos approve evil. This is how low, Trillanes regards the Filipinos. Heil, Sonny! love the Filipinos! A true hero by his own proclamation is born! 

And yes, they chose a church to propagate his lies.

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