Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Manny SD Lopez:
The election of Mayor Rodrigo Roa Duterte into the Presidency in 2016 was premised on his declaration for real change and reform in our country, and not on any political alliances, specially with the camp of the impeached former President Joseph Estrada and other political actors - who opposed him and later joined for convenience ! Whatever political alignments the Duterte administration may have to foster in the course of assuming the mantle of national leadership will have to be aligned and remain consistent with the broader interest of the Filipino people. Any marked inconsistency or contradiction will significantly impact and jeopardize PRRD's change and reform agenda.

President Duterte was installed by more than 16.6- million electorates against great odds, on the basis of the declaration and campaign promise of combatting the drug menace, curbing criminality, zero tolerance for corruption in government, promotion of peace and order, and to work tirelessly for a better life for all Filipinos ! While the pursuit of good governance and pro-people leadership is not an easy task, we the people must remain engaged and committed to this noble cause over any other consideration. President Duterte's electoral victory is not an end in itself, he cannot effect the change and reform agenda alone. We have to engage, pursue and claim the people's victory !

Dutertistas must continue with their unrelenting support and be ready to fight for his administration against the enemies of the state: local and foreign. It is likewise incumbent upon us to monitor, evaluate and direct public policy to ensure compliance and delivery of the needed changes and reforms to uplift our country and the Filipino people. The pursuit of the common good, national interest and welfare will have to remain consistent and not subject to any compromise as PRRD himself declared and committed to. Following the people's initiative and action, we can overcome the obstacles of development and progress, perpetuated by vested interest groups in the executive, legislative and judiciary.

The war against corruption, incompetence and greed in public and private enterprises is an unending task by the concerned and empowered citizenry. Let us objectively and reasonably evaluate Duterte officials and hold them accountable for their actions and organizational performance as well - if we must ! Every policy and program undertaken by the Duterte administration should be consistent to our cause for a better Philippines. The details and monitoring of Duterte administration policies and programs is best left to the true and ardent supporters of PRRD for immediate compliance. We should never yield, nor be subservient to any rationale or excuses including the fostering political alliances for convenience and favors.

We cannot and should not allow the people's victory to be interfered upon by destructive members of the opposition, usurped by pretenders, misfits, incompetents and crooks who made their way into the Duterte administration. Neither should we allow the dictates of warring groups and their foreign supporters to go against our fundamental beliefs and way of life as a people. With an unrelenting support and commitment from the Filipino people, the change and reform committed will be delivered under the strong leadership of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, as guided by our democratic ideals and observance of the rule of law.

So help us God !

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