Friday, August 25, 2017


By Jose Alejandrino

I was tuned in on the Kian Senate hearing over my IPhone when I was at SM.

I approached people there and asked them at random whether they were listening to the testimonies at the hearing. I asked nearly two dozen people. They were not interested about Kian. One said those hearings were a waste of time. Another said he would leave the drug problem to the president.

I was amused by the exchange between Frank Drilon and Sec. Aguirre. Drilon was trying to bait him to agree to the Ombudsman taking charge of the case against the policemen. He kept insisting that it was to allay the impression of the people that justice would not be served. Aguirre didn't fall for the bait knowing the Ombudsman was an Aquino appointee. He politely told Drilon to go fish. The impression of the people? 82 percent support the president, Aguirre rightly replied.

When I returned home, I asked the domestic help why they were not listening to the Kian hearing. They preferred to watch one of those game shows on the TV in the kitchen.

Sorry, Frank, it seems the common Tao don't care about those hearings. You're banging your head against a brick wall like Trillanes. If the Senate was abolished tomorrow, what do you think will be their reaction? Will they go out to Edsa and protest? Maybe a few hundred like you had to celebrate Ninoy Aquino last August 21. That's just my guess. But I'm willing to bet I'll be right.

Frank, face it. The LP is dead.

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