Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Writer Unfolds Alleged Reason Why Leni Can't Resign As VP Even If She Wants

Veteran columnist Jojo Robles unfolded alleged reason why Leni Robredo can't leave her Vice President post using his Facebook account.

In the said Facebook post, Robles said Leni can't because the yellow has invested a lot for her.

"You can demand that Aling Leni resign all you want. But she's not going to even if she really wanted. She can't. There's just so much invested in her by the yellows who can destroy her also..if they want, that she has to simply get with the program," Jojo remarked.

The writer also said that Leni is like the conventional politicians who incurred debts and received favors, and so she can't resign.

On the other hand, Jojo is sympathetic to her. "Her ambition got her to where she is now. And she willingly received funds, favors and other investments that got her this close to the big prize. She can't say that she was forced to do what she did."

Jojo concluded that Leni has no choice other than to deal with the prize of her ambition.

Below is the full Facebook post of Jojo Robles:
THE MARIONETTE. You can demand that Aling Leni resign all you want. But she's not going to, even if she really wanted to.

She can't. There's just so much invested in her by the Yellows -- who can destroy her also, if they want -- that she has to simply get with the program.

Aling Leni is like all those compromised politicians who went before. The deals she made, the debts she incurred, the favors she received to gain high office -- all of them ensure that she will stay the course no matter what.

But I feel no sympathy for her. Her ambition got her to where she is now. And she willingly received the funds, favors and other investments that got her this close to the big prize. She can't say that she was forced to do what she did.

Deal with it, Aling Leni. At this point, you know you have no choice but to continue serving your masters.

And if you fail, they'll find another marionette just like you. They always do.

Read Also: Atty. Rivera Hits VP Leni: LENI, EXPLAIN AND DISCLOSE

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