Friday, March 31, 2017

Well-known Magazine Editor-in-Chief to CNN: Shame on you for twisting facts and creating your own version of reality

On Monday, Christine Cunanan, publisher and editor-in-chief of a well-known travel magazine posted about 'the unforgivable bias of mainstream media'.

According to Christine, everyone should beware of the mainstream media or just boycott it.
"Folks, I hope you're aware of how biased the news you're reading in the newspapers and online are. Most mainstream media are reporting with very distinct angles to suit their own agendas," said Ms. Cunanan.

She added, "Most local media are aligned with anti-Duterte forces (aka as the previous administration) or are being pressured by the conservatives and the Church."

Read the full post below:

So I get online this morning and on CNN's news site there's an article by someone named Buena Bernal about the anti-Duterte protests with the headline "Philippine protesters condemn drug war on anniversary of uprising."

Ms. Bernal and biased CNN, whatever happened to reporting the entire picture and including what happened on the other side? Ms. Bernal, did you actually go to journalism school and were you paying attention during the lectures on ethics?

Sure, there was an EDSA rally over the weekend. But it was an incredibly pitiful showing of "force" considering the massive campaigns of the Church, the Yellows and academic communities like the Ateneo (my alma mater) to get people to show up at EDSA and rally against #DU30.

In contrast, the pro-#Duterte rally at Luneta was a huge outpouring of people from all walks of life -- and not one peep about this on CNN news site. At least as far as I could see. There's a column of headlines on the side that you can click, and the anti-Duterte protest article was right up there.

And this Ms. Bernal didn't even think to mention anything about the pro-Duterte rally, focusing instead on this puny rally in EDSA.

Folks, I hope you're aware of how biased the news you're reading in the newspapers and online are. Most mainstream media are reporting with very distinct angles to suit their own agendas.

Most local media are aligned with anti-Duterte forces (aka as the previous administration) or are being pressured by the conservatives and the Church. Perhaps the Church is threatening them with eternal damnation?

As for the Western media, we all know their bias. They're for headlines that sell and stories that they believe either promote liberal Western values or go against these (like Duterte stories), believing that there's only one way -- and it's the liberal Western way. They love attacking people who aren't aligned with these values.

Of course, the Western media reporters aren't the ones who have to live with the drugs, slums, crime and squalor. So it's quite easy for them to fly in, stay at a nice hotel, write a catchy story and then fly out again.

I've studiously avoided getting off the fence about the EDSA Anniversary because EDSA is nothing more than a street to me nowadays.

The pro-EDSA movements are now so heavily populated by Johnny Come Lately types who I never saw in the activist movements or on EDSA itself when I was there for its entirety. Yes, I was there from the first minute it began happening until the very last second.

And I so dislike the fact that the Yellows have turned a color and a street into what is practically a religious cult.

I also believe that President Duterte, for all his faults (and we all have them), is still the best person for the presidency. He certainly is one of the few leaders with a real heart in a nation full of hypocritical politicians.

So you should decide for yourselves: Do you want the politician who says all the right things and looks good in a suit but actually does nothing to improve conditions in our country because all he's really after are lucrative contracts for his relatives and positions of power for his cronies?

Or the lady who rode buses and wore slippers during the election campaign and then, since then, has done nothing much but pose for magazine covers, travel around the world, and criticise the government in power? Personally, I don't know what her agenda is, but I have a feeling that it's just to push herself forward to the top.

Or are you willing to try out the politician who shoots his mouth off and will never look like the presidential type you see in movies, but at least you know his heart really is for helping people and doing good? No agenda here other than #theFilipinopeople.

I know I'd like to take my chances with the person who is at least thinking a little bit about me and other ordinary citizens.

As for you, CNN and Ms. Bernal, shame on you for twisting facts so conveniently and creating your own version of reality, so that unknowing readers will think that Manila was all about anti-Duterte protests last weekend.

They completely ignored the massive outpouring of support for our President all over the country and among the Filipino communities around the world -- so many Filipinos in cities like Singapore and Tokyo held pro-Duterte rallies -- last weekend; and, yes, for his anti-drugs campaign, at Luneta.

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