Saturday, December 31, 2016


There is a conspiracy to destabilize the Philippines and CNN's Will Ripley allowed himself to be used as a tool for this.

The lousy reporter didn't do any basic research. Someone clearly ordered him to REVIVE the Edgar Matobato story (for a fee, most likely) even if the entire Philippines - even the anti-Duterte people - all know that Matobato is a FRAUD, a Walter Mitty type of character who is essentially a boring loser whom hardly anyone respects who then bragged to his neighbors that he was a hired killer in order to cause people to fear and respect him. (Similar to Bill Paxton's character in True Lies where this loser-type used car salesman poses as an International Spy in order to get girls. That's exactly what Matobato was exposed to be: he's a low-income real estate agent and fish vendor who repeatedly bragged to the people in his neighborhood that he was a hired killer so that they'd respect him.)

Any decent reporter would have checked out the facts about Matobato and would have decided that there is absolutely no story. And if he really wanted to feature him, would have had to mention the fact that Matobato had been cross examined during the Senate hearings where he was first brought to deliver his testimony and it turns out that the cross examinations exposed him as a fraud.

When cross examined, Matobato kept changing his testimony. Almost all of his "facts" were wrong. He even got dates off by 5 to 10 years. (It is relatively ok to get dates wrong by a year or two if it's too far in the past)

Anyway, it became clear to the entire Philippines - including the anti-Duterte people - that Matobato was a dud. When cross examined about the "feeding the crocodile" incident, he was unable to give clear and consistent testimony when asked details. "Were you one of those who pushed the victim to the crocodile?" Matobato changed his original yes to "I was not with the group when they threw the victim." "Was the victim still alive or was he already dead when fed to the crocodile?" Matobato says he wasn't able to notice because he was no longer with the group. But prior to the cross examinations, he said he was among those who pushed the victim into the crocodile pond. The other detail is that the area where Matobato claims the crocodile farm is does not have crocodile farms at all --- instead it is a high altitude area with a zip line and trekking trails.

The entire Philippines knows that Matobato is a fake, but this INCOMPETENT CNN REPORTER Will Ripley ran the story anyway.

How can this incompetent fool be allowed to continue on reporting for CNN when that story already came out back in September and Matobato has been thoroughly discredited and Ripley's story is meant to give a really bad impression on the Philippines in order to dissuade foreign tourists and would-be investors from visiting the Philippines?

Will Ripley didn't run that story to get to the Truth. We already know that Matobato is a freak in' FRAUD.

He ran it because he is part of a conspiracy to malign the Philippines and its well-respected and well-loved President.

Most foreigners can't easily fact-check on Matobato because most of the footage of the Senate Cross Examinatioms are in Cebuano, Tagalog, or in a mixture that may sometimes have some English. There's no way non-Filipinos will have the means to go into the details because of the language barrier.

Just the same, because it came out on CNN, many foreigners might just likely believe it anyway and avoid coming to the Philippines.

The plan is clear: the anti-Duterte Opposition is working with some groups (including the lameduck/outgoing US Administration with Goldberg) to try to sabotage Duterte's international reputation to prevent investments and tourist dollars from coming in.

The plan is to adversely affect the economy so that people will get angry and blame Duterte. They know they cannot oust Duterte because most Filipinos love him.

Will Ripley either maliciously or idiotically turned himself into a useful tool of the anti-Duterte Opposition by agreeing to revive the already-discredited story on Matobato on CNN International. Why would anyone revisit and revive the story of an already totally discredited "witness?"

Something is terribly wrong with this Will Ripley guy.

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