Monday, October 31, 2016


By Mark Lopez
Wait a minute....
Did you know that we have a leader who ....
... Has visited 14 military camps in just a month, including installations that no sitting president has ever laid eyes before. He also visited military hospitals and has invited wounded soldiers for a dinner get together in Malacanang.
...Has initiated talks with the left with the hope on ending a long standing armed struggle. Established goodwill by freeing prominent leftists leaders.
...Has managed to negotiate for the release of foreigners held hostage by armed bandits in the south.
... Has handled a terrorist crisis well (Davao bombing) managing to immediately restore normalcy, personally visiting the dead and comforting the injured, and enabled the authorities to immediately track down the perpetrators. After which, he also managed to direct an all out offensive against the armed terrorists
...Has visited Batanes after a typhoon, and even if Batanes is governed by a prominent clan opposed to him.
... Has visited China, Japan, Indonesia, Brunei and attended an ASEAN Summit in Laos. Note the significance of giving priority to Asian neighbors.
... in between two foreign trips, went to visit another typhoon ravaged area (Cagayan), on a Sunday when most people are resting...
... Has opened Malacanang to leftists, the first time ever said group was able to set foot in the palace.
...Has been mentioned or is a frequent topic of conversation now across the globe so much so that he and our country were even mentioned in a campaign rally by one of two presidential candidates in the US of A.
...Has managed to significantly improve airport and airline services, and got rid of the "tanim bala" scam by a simple directive.
...Has managed to improve LRT MRT services, including operation of basic but convenient facilities like escalators and elevators.
...Has managed to launch a nationwide emergency response system 911, and a nationwide government complaint center 8888 in just his first month in office.
... Has required the entire government to eliminate long lines or queue by ordinary people, and also simplify government transactions. For instance, drivers license are now valid for 5 years while passports will be valid for 10 years. Meanwhile, all permits and licenses and documents like NSO certificates, Seamans' book should be released in 3 days.
...Has managed to sign an FOI for the executive branch of government, the only chief executive to do so.
... Has managed to significantly improve disaster preparedness and relief operations plus proper use and spend of government resources.
...Has managed to implement changes in the agricultural sector to enable the country to be self reliant in food production and distribution.
...Has paved the way to genuine land reform as well as directing the release of coco levy funds to the real beneficiaries.
...Has directed the repatriation of stranded OFWs and personally welcoming them at the airport.
...Has managed to open one-stop-shops for OFW requirements for ease of transactions.
... Has managed to sneak in and around Metro Manila and personally put to task mayors who have been sleeping on the job. This is not being mentioned officially, and there will be a denial if there will be those who will try to confirm. Exhibit A: Divisoria Exhibit B: Alabang Exhibit C: Pasig
Finally ---
800,000++ drug users pushers surrendering
20,000++ drug users pushers who were apprehended
1,500 drug users pushers killed in legitimate police operations
2,000 killed by unknown assailants and are under investigation.
Top drug lords either arrested or killed.
Protectors named
Details of Drug trafficking inside Bilibid revealed
Crime rate down by more than 40%
All these in 117 days...
By a foul mouth, uncouth, and psychopath president named Rodrigo Roa Duterte...
Need do we say more?

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