Friday, June 10, 2016


Many people around the world suffer from this health problem, especially Americans. High levels of LDL cholesterol can be the main reason for cardiovascular problems – heart disease and heart attacks. Note: it doesn’t matter if you are old or young, male or female – all people can have high cholesterol. There are some factors and causes, that put you at a higher risk, such as: excessive smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, large waist circumference, hypothyroidism and diabetes. The good thing is that you can control these factors. And the bad thing is that there are some factors that you can’t control, like genetics. This risk factor is beyond your control.

In this article we are going to show you how to make the most powerful home remedy to lower your bad cholesterol, cleanse your arteries and regulate your high blood pressure at the same time. This homemade recipe is really amazing – even the medical experts recommend it for people with high cholesterol levels. This homemade remedy is very simple and easy to make. And the best thing about it is that it’s made by easy available ingredients. This remedy is loaded with healthy nutrients, which will help you lower the high cholesterol, cleanse your arteries and it will also help your body fight against many different diseases. And yes, it will help you regulate your high blood pressure as well.
You will need the following ingredients:
  • 1 kg lemon
  • 1 bag baking soda
  • 5 or 6 bunches of parsley.
  • 12 cups of water.
Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to wash the lemons well with cold water. You can use a bigger pot and pour warm water in it. Then, you need to add the baking soda and the lemons. Leave it for 1 hour. After that, you need to cut the parsley and add it in the mixture. Cook the mixture for 2-3 hours on low heat. That’s it, your drink is done. Make sure you store it in a glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator.
How to use it:
Make sure you consume 4 tablespoons of the mixture, every morning on an empty stomach – immediately after you wake up. This treatment lasts for 20 days. You will be amazed by the results. You will feel refreshed and full of energy. This super healthy drink will cleanse your arteries, help you control your blood pressure and lower your LDL cholesterol.
Lemon – Health Benefits
Did you know that lemons are extremely useful and beneficial in removing unhealthy leftover odors, especially in the refrigerator? Well yes, and you can use a cotton ball, soaked in lemon juice and just leave it in the refrigerator. You will be amazed. The cotton ball will absorb and remove the bad odors that come from food items that have spoiled. Note: make sure that you remove the food before you use this trick.
Lemons will also help you control your blood pressure, because they contain potassium. It also can help you when you are experiencing nausea for this reason. You should also know that lemon juice works great as a diuretic, which means that it helps you stop retaining water and flushes out toxins in your body. It has powerful anti-inflammatory, which means that it can help with problems like arthritis.
Lemon juice will also help you cleanse your body from all harmful toxins. You just have to mix lemon juice with warm water, and drink it in the morning, immediately after waking up. Lemon juice can fight the free radicals that can cause signs of aging. Just add it to water with some honey if you want. Lemon is loaded with antioxidants, which means that it can help with all of the health consequences of free radicals. Lemons also help with infections in the throat because of the way that it fights bacteria.
Parsley – Health Benefits
First, you should know that parsley is rich in many vital vitamins, including Vitamin C, B 12, K and A. This means parsley keeps your immune system strong, tones your bones and heals the nervous system, too. Parsley helps flush out excess fluid from the body, thus supporting kidney function. However, the herb contains oxalates, which can cause problems for those with existing kidney and gall bladder problems.
You should also know that regular use of parsley can help control your blood pressure. The folic acid in this herb is like a tonic for your heart. Parsley essential oil, when massaged into the scalp, may reduce hair loss. If you use parsley every day, it will help you relieve joint pain. That’s because the herb has anti-inflammatory properties. Did you know that parsley tea relaxes stiff muscles and encourages digestion? Many different studies indicate that parsley—especially its essential oil—may have a role in inhibiting cancerous tumors. In fact, scientists have billed it a chemo-protective food. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

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