Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stroke Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore!

Stroke is a medical term used to describe a brain attack that comes as a result of irregular blood circulation in the brain. According to official statistics, stroke is among the top 5 reasons of deaths in the United States. The situation is similar all over the world. Brain strokes are also one of the leading causes of handicaps in adults.
Stroke Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore!
People who have experienced brain stroke have experienced either hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. The latter is triggered by blocked or tightened canals that lead to the brain and as a result of that blood supply in the brain is inadequate. Hemorrhagic stroke is very rare and it is caused by aneurysm burs tin the brain or blood vessel seeping.
By learning more about the early signs and symptoms of this health issue, you will be able to protect yourself and lower the chances of experiencing brain stroke. Whenever you notice some of the symptoms, you should talk to a doctor right away. This is the only way to prevent the serious consequences of this health problem and get the right type of treatment.
Each type of brain stroke is marked with a few different symptoms and signs and the consequences are different in different individuals. However, all strokes share one thing – the symptoms usually appear all of a sudden. Now let’s highlight the most typical symptoms and signs of stroke:
  • Difficulties talking and not being able to express yourself in a proper way
  • Difficulties strolling, imbalance and lack of control
  • Face and limbs numbness that usually affects one side of the body.
There are few other symptoms of stroke that occur in many people:
  • Eyesight problems in one of the eyes or in both eyes
  • Total paralysis
  • Unexplained and sudden depression.
We will now show you what FAST acronym often associated with stroke prevention really means. Thanks to this explanation you will be able to identify the symptoms of stroke easily:
  • Face – check all the elements of your face. Do you think that your smile looks normal? You should also examine sagginess on your face.
  • Arms – Lift up the arms. Find out whether some of the arms drift downwards.
  • Speech – Pick a phrase and say it aloud a few times. Do you have any difficulties doing this?
  • Time – Every second counts, so ask for medical help right away.
Don’t forget that these early symptoms appear all of a sudden. Don’t sit and wait for the situation to resolve on its own. Contact an ambulance whenever you notice some of these symptoms and signs.
Avoid driving to the hospital because there is no time for that and you might cause a major auto accident. The medical team that will get to your home will start the procedure right away.
In some cases, all these symptoms can go away after a few minutes, but you must ask for help in any case. These unpleasant episodes are known as TIAs or transient ischemic assaults and they can boost the chances of developing a complete stroke.
There are many individuals who don’t know the difference between migraine and stroke and that’s why we have decided to help you make the difference. The symptoms of stroke appear all of a sudden while migraine is a health problem that develops over some period of time.
Symptoms of migraine can sometimes be beneficial because they increase stimuli. People dealing with migraines may see zigzag patterns or flashing colors and lights. TIA symptoms begin developing with some signs that lead to discomfort like decreased vision, hearing and limb strength.
Cases of stroke were recorded in people of all ages, but there are certain groups of people who are at greater risk. This is a list of things that increase the risk of developing stroke:
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Smoking
  • Being 55 years old or older
  • Heart muscle issues, atrial fibrillation and blood disorders
  • Aesthetic issues, migraines
  • Genetics.
If you want to prevent stroke, you must be active. Start by introducing healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle. Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and start exercising.

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